Chapter Nineteen 💖

246 7 10

Wednesday, April 16th
Stan's POV
1861 words
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I let out a yawn as I woke up from my nap. What time was it? I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I turned on my phone. It was already 6. With a curious hum, I looked around at the silent living room. Sure, the TV was on, but it was quiet. It was eerily silent.

Usually, Kyle would be home by now, I was sure of it. Maybe he was in his room studying? I got up, looking. Nothing. The bathroom? Empty. My room?? No one.

I was starting to panic a little. Kyle should be home, why isn't he?! If he had made a plan with someone he would have planned it days in advance, and he definitely would have said something to me about it!! He never makes plans spontaneously, he never has! There's no way he'd do it today of all days and not even say a word to me about it.

Maybe he went to talk with Cartman again. But why would he? Cartman already saw the pictures of Kyle's neck, proving I did the task for this week or whatever.

What if he's cheating on me?! Wait, why would I care, we aren't even really dating! Ugh, I hate this! I'm just going to call him, he'll pick up, I'm sure of it. Sitting down on the couch, I desperately picked up my phone, calling Kyle. It rang, and it rang, and it rang and it- Went to voicemail... I hung up quickly, calling him again and again and again. I called him nearly 10 times and still, no answer! What could he be doing? Where could he be? Why isn't he home? And why won't he answer?!

I started to tear up. The last time I saw him he seemed so upset. I still don't know why. And he had told me he was going to hang out with David. I didn't even look at him. I started to cry a little. He hates me.

Kyle's POV
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I laughed a bit as I looked over at David, sitting on a beanbag beside him "This day has been so fun! I honestly think this is the most fun I've had with someone besides Stan!" I said smiling "Really?" he'd ask "We've hardly done anything other than study and get pizza." He said with a chuckle "Yeah, yeah- Well I'm super easy to impress. My first legitimate date with Stan was just Burger King and a picnic and I loved it." I told him with a chuckle. My smile slowly started to fade as I thought of him. I looked down "Do you think he really likes me..?" I asked him "I mean, I'm sorry I keep bringing him up and all it's just- I've been going through a back-and-forth mental battle trying to figure out if he's just doing this to be a dick or if he really loves me." I told David. "Well, does it seem like him to do something like this?" He'd ask "No, not really at all actually. I know he really cares about me- But.. he gets really stupid when he's drunk, and we have a friend who is well- manipulative to say the least." I told him.

"I mean, not too long ago he had blackmailed Stan into screaming to the world that we were dating which I didn't- Love of course but... Is it a bit much to think, to even suspect that he had blackmailed Stan into a whole entire relationship?" I asked looking back to David. He thought for a moment, letting out a hum "Maybe. But the better question is, do you think Stan is idiotic enough while intoxicated to agree to such a thing?" I bit my bottom lip slightly. I wanted to say no, but I knew it could be true. 

"No... Well, maybe.." I said softly "I don't know. I really hope this isn't some huge scheme, I really love Stan. I've loved him for so long, for so many years. This wouldn't be the first time he made me hopeful, but this would be the first time he gave me hope while he wasn't drunk or high.." I told David simply "If this wasn't real, he wouldn't be giving you hope Kyle, he'd be pretending to date you." I let out a soft sigh "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Have you told Stan at all how you feel?" He'd ask "What do you mean?" I questioned, "Haven't you mentioned at all that you feel like he doesn't really love you?" I went silent "I- No.." "Really?" I nodded. "Well... Can I offer you some advice?" He asked, "Yeah, sure."

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