Chapter Twenty-Five 💖

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Two years later..

Friday, May 21st
Stan's POV
1258 words
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I sighed as I sat up, getting out of bed. My life has become such a mess. I think if it weren't for Kenny I'd be homeless. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Kenny stood there, looking over "Oh hey Stan." I sighed "Hi.." I said sitting down at the table.

"So um.. I've been avoiding asking you really but- Today is Kyle's graduation party. I want you to come. Will you?" I sighed "Kyle's? I mean- He probably doesn't even want me there.. We haven't even talked since.. you know.." Kenny nodded "Dude I know but.." He sighed "Kyle needs all the support he can get. Me, you, Cartman, maybe Butters, and that David guy are all of his friends from what I know." I sighed "I know but.. Do you really think he'll want me to be there? I don't want to ruin his graduation by showing or something.."

Kenny smiled "I'm sure of it. Now go get dressed, it's this afternoon." I sighed, nodding "Fine."

Kenny's POV:

I sighed watching Stan walk off to his room. I had told Cartman that I wanted to try to get them back together. Kyle seems pretty over it, but something tells me he still likes Stan. Stan on the other hand, is head over heels. He finally realized he liked Kyle, but now he's just mad he missed his chance.

Cartman has a plan, though I'm not sure working with him was the best idea. He did seem pretty ecstatic when I told him about it and asked for help. He rambled on about something he kept calling "Cupid me" which I don't even want to guess what or who that is, but I guess he seems pretty on board.

Stan finally came out and I hummed "You woke up later than I thought, it's happening in an hour or so. I told Cartman and Butters I'd pick them up so let's go." I told him. He sighed and nodded, putting his shoes on and following me out the door.

We walked down the flight of stairs down to the parking lot. I climbed up into my rusty red pick-up truck and got in. Stan got in as well, and after we both were buckled I started to drive to Butters shop. It didn't take long before we arrived. When we did, Butters was already outside of his shop, on his phone. I rolled down my window as I pulled up to the sidewalk "Heyy Butters." He looked up "Oh, hey Ken!" He ran over and climbed in "Thank you for picking me up, my car is being fixed right now." I nodded "No problem. You don't mind sitting back there with fatass do you?" He looked a little nervous "Oh hah- No I'll be fine." He said looking away "You sure?" he nodded "Okay." I said shrugging. I then drove to Cartman's place, calling him "Hello?" He asked as he picked up "I'm on my way." "Alright. You remember the plan, right Kenny?" I sighed "Yes. No funny buisness you hear me?" "Yeah yeah, shut up." he said before hanging up.

Cartman didn't live too far, so it wasn't long till I showed up at his apartment. A minute or two later he came out, sitting in the back with Butters.

After getting everyone in the car we made the drive to Southpark, which was maybe half an hour from the town we lived in. The drive was quiet. I swear everytime I glanced back over at Stan he looked more and more nervous. This plan Cartman made better work.

Not too much longer we finally arrived at the little mountain town we used to call home. Kyle's parent's had offered to provide the party for him at their house so Kyle took the oppertunity at a heartbeat. I know he didn't visit them often, I think all of us all sort of have weird feelings about South Park in general..

Kyle's parents still lived in the same house they had when we were kids, I was honestly a bit surprised, yet also sort of not? I parked near the sidewalk on the side of the road, shutting off the car and looking at the other guys "You three ready?" I asked them. Butters and Cartman nodded but Stan stayed silent staring at the floor "Stan..?" Butters asked him. He looked out to the house than back down at the car floor "I.. Need a minute." He said simply. I sighed nodding. Me and Cartman got out, but Butters stayed. I wonder why..

Stan's POV:

I sighed looking at the floor, hearing almost everyone get out and go up to the house. Butters stayed in though "Nervous?" He asked. I nodded "I don't know how much you know about what happened but.. I sort of fucked up really bad. The last time me and him spoke he was crying and mad. I regret the shit I did every day since but.. I just feel like me just going in there uninvited is going to cause a lot of drama that I don't want to start. Kyle got through college even though he thought about quitting so many times and I just-" I sighed "That's something I really don't think I could even do.. This is his thing, I don't want to be the thing that ruins it." I said softly.

He looked at me, thinking for a moment. He than put his hand on my shoulder "Stan, I really don't know much about what you did to him or not, but if I were him I'd want all the support of my friends when I accomplished something big like that. Even if you aren't included, I'm sure that it will mean something to him that you still showed up despite whatever feelings against or for him that you may have." I sighed and looked at him, smiling slightly "Thank you." He nodded "I think I'm gonna go now." I told him "You coming?" He nodded "Yeah, I'll just need a moment.. Being back here is making me feel nauseous." I nodded "Alright." I said opening the door and getting out. I took a deep breath before walking up to the door, going inside. It was a bit crowded and a little loud, but a lot of people were there. I walked around looking for Kenny or Cartman, but I ended up running into Ike "Oh, sorry." I told him. He looked at me "Stan?"

I nodded nervously "Kyle told me you two weren't talking anymore. What are you doing here?" I looked away "Oh I came with Kenny.. He sort of made me come.." He nodded "Oh alright. If you're looking for him he's over there talking to Kyle." he said pointing over at them before walking away. I stood there and stared for a moment.

I felt less prepared then I did not even a minute ago when I got out of the car.

I nervously walked over, eventually making it to face the both of them.

"Stan, you came out of the car!" Kenny said looking at me. Kyle stared blankly "Uh.. Yeah." I said softly. The two of them looked at me silently, making me nervous "Um.. Congrats Kyle." He nodded "Thanks." he said simply, sounding not so sincere. I looked at the ground, not saying anything "Uh, Sorry I'll just.. Go.." "Mhm." Kyle said looking away as I walked off.

He seemed pissed, or at the least, upset. Why did I come, I knew he woudn't want me here..

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