Chapter Thirty-Six 💖

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Thursday, June 3rd
1346 Words
Stan's POV
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I let out a yawn as I woke up, smiling as I realized I was in Gary's arms. I cuddled closer to him, leaning up and kissing his cheek softly. I didn't mean to, but I think that had woken him up.

He stirred a bit before opening his eyes, causing me to turn a little pink in the cheeks at the sight of his beautiful eyes now becoming visible. My heart beat sped up and I couldn't help but smile, making him chuckle. He kissed my forehead softly, smiling, "Good morning, my love." I smiled, my heart melting, "Good morning.." I say softly.

He cuddled closer to me and kissed my cheek softly, "You look cute this morning, you know that?" He whispered, making me blush and smile, "Do I really..?" I asked, receiving a nod.

We laid in bed together for awhile, just talking or enjoying each other's presence until I had to get up to answer a call from Kyle. I hadn't been home in 2 days, so my guess was he was wondering where I went or was. I answered the phone, putting it up to my ear, "Hello?"

Kyle sniffled, "When are you coming home?" He asked with a hoarse voice. He clearly had been crying or something, "Oh uh... No day specifically, I could today if you need something."

He let out a breath, "No, it's fine." He was quick to say, "Uh, no it isn't. You sound horrible." "I'm fine!" He said, this time a little louder, his voice breaking "Kyle no you aren't." I told him, sighing. "What happened?" "A lot... I really don't want to talk about it I just.." He let out a big breath and it was clear he was probably crying, "I just really need someone here for me right now..." he said, his voice small. "Why isn't David–" "He's an asshole! For all I'm concerned, we're over." Kyle said in sobs.

"Jeez... Okay I'll come. I'll see you soon okay?" "Okay, thank you." he told me, then hanging up.

I looked at Gary, "I need to go hun, I think something happened with Kyle and his boyfriend and he really needs someone there for him right now." I told him. He nodded, "I understand." He would say, gently pulling me close and giving me a soft short kiss, "Text me when you get there, okay?" He asked softly. I smiled, nodding, "Okay. I love you." I told him, standing, "I love you too honey." "Bye."

I then walked out of the room and put my shoes on, saying my farewells to his dog before leaving. I walked out to where my car was parked and got in, dialling Kyle's number as I started the car. He was quick to pick up, "Hello?" He asked, "I just got in the car, I'll be home soon." I told him, putting the phone on speaker as I buckled up, "Thank you Stan." He said with a happy sigh.

We talked briefly while I drove, but he wouldn't really tell me what happened until I got home. When I finally did get to the apartment door, he wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, so I made the assumption he was in his room.

It was still weird going in there after everything that happened. He sat up, looking at me from his bed. He looked like a mess, his hair crazy with red puffy eyes.

I walked over, sitting on the end of his bed, "What happened?" I asked immediately, "Um.." He mumbled, looking like he didn't know what to say, "So uh- David thought I was cheating on him because I kept acting weird. I left my phone at his house when I left and he went through it and followed me when I went to the store and a few other places. We both got pissed and haven't talked since." Kyle said.

"Why did he think you were cheating?" "Thats uh- besides the point..! I'm not and he went through my phone and followed me like a weirdo."

"Yeah, I guess thats not really the coolest..." I said, though thats not what I was thinking. That seemed like a miniscule thing to get upset over that could be resolved with one conversation. "Are you... Are you guys not very open?" "What do you mean?"

"I mean- Do you guys not just like- Talk about the problems when they're happening?" He paused, "No, not really.."

"Well that's your problem, dude. You need to talk to him about the problems otherwise they'll never be resolved. And all that emotion never goes away, it just builds up more and more until it blows up in your face." Kyle paused, sighing, "Yeah.. You're right. I should've just been open about why I was being so weird. What if I made him hate me?" He asked, starting to tear up.

"I told him that I hoepd that he would trip on a knife..! Like- there's no way he still loves me." Kyle was starting to cry, and both he looked and sounded absolutely heartbroken. I gently took his hand, "He probably doesn't, and if he does, fuck him- he was never a good guy in the first place."

"You just need to talk to him. Apologize and make up, talk things through, see if it'll work out." I told him. He looked at me, his grip on my hand tightening.

He sighed, laying his head on my chest. He wasn't crying anymore, but was now just calming down, taking what I told him in.

Finally, he spoke, "You're right." He said softly. "I'll do it tomorrow though.. I really need to just take a little time to calm down." I nodded, "Thats what you need. Just take some time to relax and calm down."

He went silent for a moment. He would then slowly look up at me, letting go of my hand and hugging me. I gently hugged back, gently rubbing his back, "I'm here.." I told him, "Thank you Stan." He told me softly, burying his face in my chest and relaxing. Usually, this would really get to me, but I think I'm almost over him now.

"Can you stay here tonight..? And can you cuddle me?" I paused, unsure how to handle that request, "Uh... I can stay but I need to think about the cuddling." "Okay." He said, understanding.

The rest of the night we just hung out. It had been a good amount of time since we last hung out, so it was nice to just catch up.  We ended up just ordering a pizza and sitting on the couch together binge watching a show. It wasn't until at least 1 in the morning when we were both feeling tired as crap. He looked at me, looking sleepy, "Can I lay on your lap?" He asked, "Sure." I told him. He fell asleep fast and I wasn't really sure if I could sleep sitting up, so after maybe 10 minutes I woke him up, "Ky." "Hm..?" He mumbled, tired, "Let me bring you to your bed." He sighed, nodding, slowly getting up and letting me help him to the room, considering he was half asleep.

He plopped down into bed and I gently covered him up. But just as I was about to leave he grabbed my hand, "Please stay.. and- and hold me..?" I looked down at him sighing, "I.." "Please?"

"Okay." I said reluctantly. With hesitation, I laid down beside him. He was quick to wrap his arms around me and cuddle up to me. I loosely wrapped my arms around him and he definitely was asleep pretty fast, but it took me awhile to fall asleep.

Probably because I felt like I was cheating in a way, and I didn't like the thought. I loved Gary too much to hurt him, and in a way this could definitely be considered cheating. But I let myself fall asleep nonetheless, in his arms. Not Gary's.

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