Chapter Nine 💖

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Monday, March 24th
Stan's POV
1149 Words
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I let out a soft groan as Kyle gently shook me awake "Stan.. Hey, hun.." I opened my eyes "Mmn?" I grunted out "I'm leaving for school now, there's a small list on the fridge for you, okay?" I nodded, rubbing my eyes a bit "Alright." I mumbled out sleepily. He ruffled my hair gently, kissing my cheek gently, making me blush a bit. "I'll call you at my lunch break, okay? Because I was planning on studying with a friend and getting boba with him." I nodded "Okay." He smiled "I love you, Stan." I sighed "I love you too."

He then left me in his bed to my own thoughts. So this was my life now. Cuddling my best friend to sleep and pretending to date him. Great. I let out a long sigh as I got out of bed, stretching a bit. I left his room, going to the bathroom quickly before going to the kitchen and looking at the small list he had left me. "Alright let's see what this is.. Sweep kitchen, unload & load the dishwasher, take out hamburger for dinner.. Simple enough." I said with a shrug. With a sigh, I simply did everything on the list as it instructed, finishing after 10 minutes.

I let out a long sigh, staring at the tile below me. Man, my life kind of sucks ass.. I jumped as I heard a ringing coming from Kyle's room. Did he forget his phone..? I went in, quickly realizing it was actually my phone. I unplugged it, grabbing it. It was Cartman.

"Hello?" "Hello Marsh." Fuck, he had that tone in his voice. "What do you want dude!?" I asked with a huff "I'll save you the trouble. You forgot something at Kenny's so I'm coming to your place for a minute or 20. We have some things to talk about after all." I could hear his smirk. What was his deal?! "Ugh, okay. Is that all?" The other simply chuckled "A confident attitude for a guy whose best friend might be getting killed." I deadpanned. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-

"Bye Cartman. We can talk about it when you get here." I said with a huff, hanging up. FUCK I'M SO SCREWED WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE WANT!??!?!

I DID WHAT HE WANTED WHAT THE HELL DOES HE WANT FROM ME NOW?! I was panicking, I mean, can you blame me?? My super best friend for- I don't even know how long- may die because of some stupid ass dare I agreed to while I was drunk! Why did I agree to a dare from Cartman of all people?!

My ears perked up as I heard a knock at the door. Fuck, he's here. I sighed, leaving Kyle's room and shutting the door behind me. I nervously walked over to the front door. I took a deep breath before unlocking it and opening it. "Hello Stan." He had that evil ass grin on his face. He was up to something, no doubt. I sighed "Hi Cartman." He smirked "Gonna let me in?" I sighed "Yeah, come in." I said stepping aside and letting him. I shut the door behind us, locking it once more. I then turned to him "Let's sit on the couch." He nodded "Good choice Marsh."

We sat on the couch, staring each other down, though I probably looked nervous whilst he just had the widest smirk on his face. "So- Are you with the Jew now?" I sighed "Yes." He smirked "Perfect." I let out a breath. That was all he wanted. "Now, I liked seeing the fear in your eyes as you opened that door. It was- entertaining. So listen.. I'm going to give you a task every week and you have to do it, no questions asked, little to no arguing, and you have to do it WITH some sort of provided evidence it happened it by the coming Monday or else well- You know what." 

God fucking damn it. I'm so fucked. "What will the tasks be?" He shrugged "Things you have to do to Kahl or with him. Whatever I decide is going to happen." I sighed "Cartman, isn't this a bit much? I mean-" "SHUT UP! You will do it if you want him to fucking live Marsh!" He snapped, getting close. I gulped, this was serious. "Okay.." I said quietly. He stood up "This week's task is simple. I want a picture of you two kissing. Not on the cheek, not on the forehead or anything gay- On the lips."

My face flushed and my eyes widened "Dude what the fuck!? What would you even do with the picture!?" "Ey! Shut up! That's for me to know and for you to find out! You will do it or I'm not fucking kidding I will hurt the Jew!!" I sighed, biting my lip. I clenched my fist "Fine. I'll have it to you by Monday." He smirked "Good. I'm going now. Remember, you only have till Monday of next week, don't forget, because I'm only reminding you once.. And I KNOW what a photoshopped photo looks like, so don't try that either." He said simply, unlocking the door and letting himself out. I sat there in the chair, still in utter shock.

I started to feel myself tear up a bit. This is so fucked up of me to do, I'm pretending to date him and I have to do things to him and with him every fucking week for a month, which will only lead him on more, just so he can stay alive. This is so fucked up.

I felt tears pricking at my eyes as I sort of just let a few fall. WHY DID I EVER FUCKING AGREE TO THIS STUPID ASS DARE!?

I started full-on bawling. I couldn't handle this, I can't handle this. Kyle has been nothing but amazing to me for years and years, he doesn't even think anything of this, he thinks I genuinely am in love with him when in fact, I'm only with him so he doesn't fucking get killed by our insane-ass friend. I'm so horrible.

I let out a sigh, drying my eyes. I need to come clean, I need to just tell Kyle everything and get him to pretend so I can stop hurting him. I grabbed my phone, and dialed his number, waiting for him to answer. It took a moment, but he answered "Hello?" I sighed "Kyle there's something important I need to tell you." Silence.. "Uh, Kyle?" "Sorry, I'm walking to class. What's up, I'm all ears." I sighed "I..." I started "I um.. You see I.." I was at a loss for words. Should I even tell him..?

"Never mind, sorry for bothering you Ky. Have a good day." I said hanging up with a sigh. I'm such a bad best friend..

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