Chapter Twenty-Three 💖

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Tuesday, April 23rd
Stan's POV
1237 words
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I let out a long sigh as I parked into the parking garage from work. Today was going to be rough at its best. I have to break up with Kyle today. I'm scared, really scared. How do I tell him this? He's going to hate me.

With a hesitant sigh, I shut off my car and got out. I walked to our apartment, unlocking it, only to find Kyle once again awake and making breakfast. I shut the door "Oh, hey Stan, how was work?" He asked looking back at me "It was okay.." I mumbled out walking past him "Are you sure?" He asked, "Yes, everything was okay." I then walked into my room, sighing. I looked around, thinking. He's going to want me gone for a day or so. I grabbed my duffle bag and loaded it full of some of my clothes. I then shoved my chargers, laptop, headphones, and other stuff into it. Glancing around at the room, I think that's all I really needed with me.

I sighed, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. My hands were shaky.

I called Kenny's number, pacing back and forth as I waited for him to answer. It took him a few seconds, but he soon answered "Hey Stan. Today's the day, isn't it..?" Kenny asked with a sigh. I sighed "Yeah." I said softly "I'm just going to leave even if he doesn't want me to, the last thing I want to do is bother him when he doesn't want to see my face." I said with a sigh "I already feel absolutely horrible for doing this, he didn't do anything to me to deserve this." Kenny sighed "Yeah, I'm sorry Cartman got you into this dude.. You're welcome to stay with me till shit blows over, but if you stay past a month you gotta help with something 'cause I can only work so much." "I know Kenny, and thank you already for letting me stay. I'll definitely help around the house."

"Thanks, dude." I sighed "I'm gonna get going, alright?" I asked, "Okay, just text and tell me what's up alright?" Kenny asked "Alright. Bye, Ken." "Bye Stan".

I then hung up on him. I zipped up my crammed duffel bag, and walked out, going straight to the door. I saw out of the corner of my eye Kyle watching as I walked past looking very confused.

I took the bag to my car, putting it in the back before letting out a big breath and going back to our apartment to do the hardest thing I've ever done...

I walked in the door, looking at Kyle. He looked back at me, looking confused "Stan, what's going on?" He'd ask softly, putting the oven mitts down. "I.. Let's talk about it after breakfast." He nodded but gave a worried look.

We sat down together, eating in silence. Kyle just continued to give me worried looks and I was ready to buckle under the pressure and spill everyone right there and then but I decided not yet.

We finished eating and I loaded the dishwasher. When I turned around Kyle was right there "Stan, what's going on? Why did you take a duffle bag full of what I'd assume to be clothes to your car?"

I sighed "I need to talk with you." I told him "Okay, you are now aren't you?" "No, serious talk... You should sit down." He sighed, doing so "What's going on Stan you're scaring me."

I looked at the ground "Do you remember the last big party I went to?-" "Did you get someone pregnant?!" I shook my head fast "No! Just- do you?" He nodded "I was very very drunk and honestly, sort of high. I was with Cartman and Kenny and some other people and we were playing truth or dare. I was feeling cocky so I picked dare and Cartman dared me.. to.." I paused, looking at him "To what Stan?"

I looked at the ground "Kyle I'm breaking up with you.." I said softly.

"Wha- Why?" He asked. I could tell just by his voice that had broken his heart. I stood there, trying to find the words "I just don't- I really don't- It isn't-" I let out a long sigh "You deserve to know the truth.." He looked up at me "Cartman dared me to date you for a month and then break up with you. I wasn't going to do it, I didn't want to hurt you, but then Cartman threatened to kill you and I know he's serious.. He made it so I had a stupid task each week, something I had to do with you.. Probably just to hurt you more.." Kyle looked right at me, a few tears already sliding down his cheeks "That is so fucking fucked up Stan." He said softly.

"Do you even realize how much I love you, or even just how long I have?" He'd ask "Yeah, I just-" "No, I don't think you do. Because if you did you would've never done this. I can take Cartman, I could push him down in 2 seconds flat. What made you think I couldn't even TRY to defend myself? What made you think he'd really go through with it?!" He asked standing up. There was a heavy flow of tears coming down his face "So what, were all those kisses fake, all the "I love you's" ? The making out, the hickeys, the fucking sex?!" He asked punching the table.

I sighed "Yes.." He looked at me "But not all of it.. At some point, I think I fell for you Kyle..." I looked at him "We could- we could really be together now..!" He gave me a disgusted look "Are you SERIOUS?!" "I- yes..." I took his hands "I did really enjoy the sex and our kisses and being with you. I know now that I really love you, Kyle!" I smiled, but he just looked pissed.

"Stan, I don't care if you love now, you should've loved me from the start and it disgusts me that you think I'd just say yes to staying with you after you did this crap." I frowned "What- I..?"

"I thought you were better than this Stan. So many times your energy didn't match at all and now well- It's pretty fucking crystal clear why. I don't want to see your face for a fucking week, do you fucking understand?!" He asked pushing me back "Yes.." I said. "And you can fucking forget about being my super best friend anymore, because right now, forever, and for the rest of time, You are nothing to me! he said before storming off, a face full of tears.

I teared up watching him walk off "Kyle, wait!" I went to his door, knocking on it "Please Kyle, don't let this be over forever!"  I opened the door and sighed "Please Kyle... I love you-" I tried to hug him but he pushed me away "I don't care! Leave!"

I didn't want to, but I sighed nodding. I grabbed my keys and went back to my car getting in. Then I cried. I cried a lot. I just lost my boyfriend and best friend on the same day. It hurt a lot hurting someone who's always been there for me all my life. And now it's all gone. All those happy moments didn't matter anymore.

I ruined everything.

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