Chapter Eight 💖

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Sunday, March 23rd
Stan's POV
1086 Words
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I let out a soft sigh as Kyle drove. Today was the day. Today we are going on a date, and I hope to god that he says yes to dating me because I generally do believe Cartman can and will hurt him. He glanced over at me "Stan?" He asked "Yeah?"

"I know you're nervous about going out with me because you haven't been with a guy before, but please, can you try to act natural..? Like it isn't awkward..?" I hummed, smiling slightly at him "Of course Ky."

Soon we arrived at the place. I looked over at him confused as he turned off the car "Kyle, where is this?" He smiled "I figured a small hike would be a nice laid back date. I've been here a million times before, it's simple and i know it well. And it's so pretty. You'll love it." He said smiling as he unbuckled. I was skeptical but whatever, I was willing to go if it would make him happy.

I unbuckled and got out. He grabbed a backpack out of the back and I gave him a look "Don't worry dude, it's just a small picnic I packed and some water." He said shutting the door. He then took my hand and started walking with me as we entered the woods. It was quiet, nobody else really around, just the sound of nature and some nearby rushing water. I looked down at Kyle, smiling softly.

"So.. I know you're probably getting impatient at this point- About us and all. I've made you wait a week for a surefire answer to if I wanted to be with you yet and all." He started "I get it I guess." I told him with a shrug "Did you want to date?" He asked. I nodded "Of course, but I understand that you need time and all.." I looked down at our hands, intertwining my hand with his own. He smiled softly at me, getting close to me and leaning his head gently on my shoulder.

We walked in silence for a little while before eventually stopping at a picnic bench in front of a water fall. I looked at it "Wow.. I'm surprised nobody's here. It's beautiful." Kyle smiled "I know. Not a lot of people like to go hiking though, so it's a win honestly." He said with a chuckle as he took the backpack off and set up the small lunch he had prepared which was sandwiches, apples, and water. I smiled as I sat across from him, smiling at him softly.

We ate silently, enjoying the silence, at least i was. Soon we finished and so he packed everything up. He than grabbed my hand, smiling "Come on, we can go down these steps and see the waterfall up close..!" He said excitedly. I smiled a bit "Okay." He led me down the stairs and we walked close to the edge of where the waterfall fell. He smiled, leading me to a bench with a perfect veiw of it, smiling as he looked up at me, our hands intertwined. I looked back down at him smiling. Soon I noticed he was starting to get closer and closer to my face and I was starting to panic, I wasn't ready to kiss him yet..! Our lips were so close, his eyes already shut. I sighed, gently pushing his face away "Sorry um, I'm not ready to kiss yet.." He blushed "Oh um.. Sorry." "But um.. I'm cool with this." I said softly as I kissed his cheek. He chuckled, smiling bright, looking into my eyes looking so lost.

He wrapped his arms around my neck "Stan, I love you so much. I've never met someone who I've loved as much as I love you. It's so amazing the way you make me feel it's like- Magic. Thats what being with you feels like generally-- Magical." I chuckled "You're cute Ky." He smiled at me "You are too.." It went silent "Stan..?" I smiled "Yeah?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked softly. I blushed, looking into his eyes "I-" I searched his eyes as he waited for a response. He looked so happy. God I'm going to hate myself for this..




I let out a yawn as we got to the apartment. We ended up getting dinner at a restaurant on the way home so now it was late. I unlocked the door, rubbing my eyes "Fuck, it's like, midnight." I groaned "I need to go to sleep like right now." I said with a huff putting my stuff on the table. Stan watched me do so, humming. I sighed, going right to my room, changing. I soon changed into something to sleep in and shut off my lights, laying down as I plugged in my phone.

I shut my eyes but my thoughts were restless. I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed, I turned, I groaned, huffing as I couldn't fall asleep. I then jumped as there was a knock on my door "Yeah?" "Can i come in?" Stan asked.

I sighed "Yeah, sure I guess." He opened the door, stumbling his way over to me in the dark. He laid in bed beside me "Whats up?" I asked, capturing him under the blanket with me "Eh nothing, I just thought cuddling you would help you fall asleep faster." He said wrapping his arms around me. I smiled, cuddling close to him, wrapping my arms back around him, as if we were hugging. He held me close in my arms and my smile widened as I shut my eyes "Stan?" "Yeah?" I sighed contently "I love you so much." I told him softly. I heard him chuckle a little "Really?" I nodded "So so much." "Well I love you so so SO much." He said, making me giggle

"You're cute Stan." "Go to sleep Kyle, what happened to you freaking out because it's midnight?" I chuckled "Um, a cute raven haired boy named Stan Marsh happened to me." I said kissing his cheek. I felt his heartbeat speed up and I'm sure he was blushing "Alright, now I'll go to bed." I shut my eyes, resting my head on his chest. He threw my hat off my head, running his hands through it gently. I smiled, leaning into his touch, soon falling asleep to Stan doing so and humming a soft song.

I love him so much..

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