Chapter Thirty-Five 💖

218 7 7

Tuesday, June 1st
2975 Words
Kyle's POV
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I woke up the next morning in David’s bed, laying beside him. My head was full of so many thoughts after that little fight last night. I felt bad, like it was all my fault because I couldn't just admit things that needed so badly to be talked about. He has the right to know things, but some things, like my feelings for Stan bubbling back up, are better off without him knowing.

I turn the other way, accidentally waking him up. He moves closer and wraps his arms around my waist gently, resting his head in the crook of my neck, “Good morning sweetie.” He whispered.

I relaxed a little in his arms, but not as much as I usually would. “Good morning..” I told him softly.

“Something up?” He asked. I shook my head, “Eh.. No..” I turned towards him, cuddling him close and sighing.

“Are you sure? Because-” “Yeah, I'm fine.” I repeated, sounding a little cranky. “Sorry.” He sighed.

“No. Don't be.. I should be.” I sighed, “I'm sorry, David.”

“It's okay.” I sighed as he said that, “What time is it?” I asked, “Uh.. It's nine.” David says, looking at his alarm clock on his bedside table. “I should get going..” I say sitting up.

“What..? But.. I wanted to cuddle.” David looked at me, frowning, “Sorry, I just… I need to get groceries.” I say getting out of bed.

I left his room and put my shoes on, he followed me, “Baby, you don't have to leave..” He says, “You can get groceries later.” He told me, trying to convince me to stay. I feel bad leaving him, but I feel worse lying in bed with him thinking about Stan, “Sorry David I just– Have a lot of errands to do, and then I have to do laundry when I get home and clean and shit so.. I just want to get it out of the way, y'know?”

He sighed, “I- I guess..?” I put on my coat, “Okay, I'll talk to you later then. Bye.” I say leaving abruptly. I feel horrible for pulling something like this, but being with David only makes me feel worse.

David's POV
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I blinked as he left and shut the door in my face, making me feel like a dog waiting for his owner to come home from work as I stared at the door, waiting for him to come back, hoping he would. But, no. I waited for 3 minutes, but it was clear he was already gone.

I sighed, walking away from the door and going over to my ferret's cage. I opened it so they could run around like they do every morning. I took out Goldie and pet her between her ears with a sigh, “Is it something I did..?” I asked her, but she didn't respond. She's just a ferret, after all. She just looked at me with her cute, vicious little eyes. She bit my finger and I sighed, putting her down. Her and Puck left me and ran around the house like they usually do, but I sat by their cage for a moment, thinking.

I'm convinced something is up with Kyle, and whether it be with Stan like I've been thinking or because of something I did, I wish he would just straight up say it. We used to be so good with communication, what changed?

I stood up and walked out of the living room, but I paused as I saw Kyle's phone laying on the floor. He forgot his phone.

I slowly picked it up and to my surprise, there was only one crack in it. But just remembering last night; how odd he was acting, being so cranky and secretive. And that's led into today too now.

It's killing me not knowing what is wrong with him because I just want to do what I can to help, even if it involves just giving advice. He's stressed or mad or upset about something, and my curiosity is getting the better of me.

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