Chapter Twelve 💖

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Saturday, April 5th
Kyle's POV
1828 Words
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"Hm..?" I mumbled out softly as I felt someone get into my bed "Sorry, it's just me." Stan whispered. I smiled a bit through the sleepiness. He was finally home from work. I reached my hands up, pulling him into bed with me "How was work?" I asked sleepily with a yawn. He sighed "It was work.. Glad I'm home now." He wrapped his arms around me. I smiled, my cheeks going a bit red "Me too, I missed your cuddles." I told him softly, letting out a soft chuckle as I wrapped my arms around him, cuddling into his touch.

"Hey uh.. By the way- Ky?" "Hm?" Stan let out a soft sigh "Is it okay if we start telling people? That we're together and all..?" I sighed "I- I don't know Stan I mean-" "Please..?"

He put his hand on my cheek, making me look up at him "If I don't he'll-" He stopped himself "What? Who's he? And what's he going to do if we don't tell people..!?" I asked, alarmed. Stan sighed "It's nothing I'm just- Tired.. Can we at least come out to our friends..?"

I sighed "Yeah.. I guess." He rubbed my back "It's okay, I'll be there the whole time Ky." I sighed "I know." I said softly, hugging him close. He kissed my head softly, gently playing with my hair which was very puffy from sleeping. "What time is it by the way?" I asked "Four in the morning." "Ah."

I closed my eyes, nuzzling into his chest. I love this boy more than anything..

I had a warm smile on my face, stretching ear to ear as Stan softly rubbed my back and I did the same back to him. Everything about this is so amazing. I thought even if we ever dated it'd never go well because we'd just treat each other like Super Best Friends but, really it just feels like we're super best friends who happen to be dating. I looked up at Stan, my eyes starting to feel heavy "I love you, Stan.." I whispered to him.

"I love you too Kyle."

Those words always give me butterflies coming from him. I smiled brightly, cuddled up into his arms, and soon fell asleep...

...I smiled softly as woke up the next morning, or really, the next afternoon. The light dimly shined in from the living room. Stan forgot to shut the door. The other was awake as well. He smiled, looking down at me "Good morning Kyle." I blushed, smiling softly at him. "Good morning Stan," I said before giving him a soft kiss on the lips. I held it for a few seconds before pulling away, smiling brightly at him "I love you." He looked starstruck, his face going red. It was cute. "I uh- I love you too." I chuckled softly, wrapping my arms around him again "Ky?" "Hm?"

"Uh, Cartman Texted me last night. I guess we're having lunch with him and Kenny at Kenny's place." "Even after what happened the other day?" I asked him skeptically "Yeah, I guess." Stan said with a shrug. "Alright," I told him simply. "Is that when we're gonna tell them?" He nodded.

I let go, stretching a bit before getting up "Jeez it's already 11. We need to get ready Stan." He yawned "Mm- Okay." He told me, getting up and out of bed. He left the room and I made the bed before going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before walking back out. I then grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before walking to the door. Stan was sitting at the table waiting for me, but stood up as soon as he saw me "Let Kenny know we're on the way, come on Stan." I took his hand in mine as I led him out, locking the door behind us as we left.

Getting in the car, it didn't take long before we got to Kenny's apartment. We walked up the two flights of stairs, holding hands, walking all the way to his door, knocking gently.

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