Chapter Eighteen 💖

242 8 11

Wednesday, April 16th
Stans POV
1201 words
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I let out a yawn as I woke up the next morning. Looking down at Kyle, I blushed a bit. He was cuddled up close with his arms wrapped around my waist. That made me smile a bit. He's pretty cute..

Woah, what?? Uhh, why am I thinking shit like that? Jesus- I mean, I'm Bisexual, but Kyle is pretty much still my best friend, I could never love him like that.. right?

I guess I have been getting weird thoughts like that recently, probably since we're together my brain is starting to think I like him. But I don't! I don't love him, I still pretty much just see him as a friend. If that makes me a bad person, oh well.

He started to stir a bit, eventually opening his eyes and looking up into mine. I felt my heartbeat speed up. He was gorgeous. I don't like him! I don't! "Good morning Stan. How did you sleep?" Oh my god, his cute ass raspy voice in the morning..! SHUT UP SHUT UP-

"Morning Kyle, I slept pretty good." He leaned up and gently kissed my cheek "That's good." He moved his arms up my body, now wrapping them around my neck, sending tingles down my body.  He leaned close and pushed his nose against mine gently, looking into my eyes with a soft smile on his face-

I smiled back a bit. Get it together Stan! You don't like him!!

I sighed, slowly wiggling out of his grip, making him frown "Is something wrong?" I shook my head "I have to piss... But you should probably get up, you have school today." He sighed "Yeah you're right." I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I didn't actually have to go so I just went in and stood in the bathroom for a minute. Flushing the toilet and running the water before waiting a few seconds and walking out. Kyle was already dressed and ready for school "I'm going to go early... I told David I'd meet him at a doughnut shop." I nodded "Alright."

Kyle walked over, hugging me close. I pulled away slightly, not expecting it. That made him frown "You don't hate me... Right?" I looked down at him, confused "What? No. Why? What makes you think that?" He sighed "I don't know.. I just thought maybe..." He sighed "-It doesn't make sense though.." He kissed my cheek, I gave a bit of an annoyed look though "I'll see you later Stan." His voice sounded a bit sad. I nodded "I love you." He told me quietly. "Love you too," I said, looking down at my phone. He huffed, looking away. He grabbed his keys and stormed out making me wonder: Did I do something wrong?

Kyle's POV
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After making it to the parking garage I got in my car and cried. I cried a lot. Even if I knew he loved me, even if I knew he was just acting different this morning, it hurt badly. I feel like he doesn't love me anymore. I'm sure that isn't the case, but he's acting like it. He's usually sad when I have to go early. And I don't even HAVE plans with David!! I said that to make Stan stop me or something! Though I suppose now that I told Stan that I might as well ask David if he wanted to get doughnuts.

With a sniffle, I dried my tears. I took one big breath before grabbing my phone and calling him. He picked up after a few rings "Hello Kyle." He'd say "Uh.. Hi David." "What's up? Are you alright, you sound like you were crying?" I sighed a little "Yeah I was, but I'm fine now. I was just wondering if you wanted to get some doughnuts with me or something this morning because I have an open morning before my first class."

"Oh, I wouldn't mind. I have nothing to do either. What donut place?" I chuckled nervously "Oh I don't know I didn't think that far ahead. I didn't think you'd answer or say yes." I told him nervously. "Oh well, how about this. Come to the college dorms and I'll take you in my car to my favorite doughnut place in town. Then you can go to class." I hummed a bit "Sure." "Alright, I'll text you my dorm room number."

"Alright, see you soon," I said before hanging up. I then drove to the college, parked, and got out before entering the area with all the dorms. I went up a flight of stairs, soon getting to David's dorm room. I knocked gently and the door soon opened "Hello." I said softly "You ready to go?" I'd ask "Mhm." He said walking out, shutting the door behind him.

We walked down the stairs and I followed him to his car, getting in. "Eh, sorry for the mess." He said with a nervous chuckle. I looked around. His car was cleaner than mine..! And I'm a neat freak!

"Dude what mess?" He buckled up "Oh there are just small things." He said pulling out of the parking lot and starting to drive "So what are you usually doing this time of the morning?" I shrugged "Usually I'm at home hanging out with my.." I paused, sighing "Boyfriend."

"Ah. Why aren't you doing that then?" He'd ask "Oh well today he didn't really seem to care... I woke up and he got out of bed like almost right away and he barely even looked at me when I left... I only left because I felt like I was going to cry, and I did, and I hate crying in front of people." I explained with a sigh "Why are you with him if he doesn't care?" "Oh no, he usually cares a lot. It's just today really.." David glanced at me "So you and him live in an apartment together?" I nodded "We used to be just best friends that were roommates but we've been dating for 4 weeks, almost a month now I think."

"How long have you liked him?" "Since we were 11 maybe." I told him "And how long has he liked you?" "He's-" I paused. I didn't know. He's never told me that before. I guess maybe it isn't as normal to flaunt how long you've liked someone, but he's never told me once "I.. Don't know.." I told him, looking down.

And there it was, that thought that kept on coming up... Does he really love me..?

"We're here." I let out a soft breath, nodding. We got out and both got doughnuts, eating them almost in complete silence "Initially I was going to ask you out when we went here. But now that I know you have a boyfriend I will do my best not to flirt with you anymore. You are very cute though." I blushed a little "Thanks. Maybe not a date but, maybe later after our last class together we could study at the library and get a small dinner together." "Oh, that sounds nice. I definitely need to study as well."

I smiled "Cool, sounds like a plan then."

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