Chapter Thirteen 💖

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Monday, April 7th
Stan's POV
1319 Words
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I let out a groan as I got home from work. I was so tired today.

I sleepily put my keys on the table before walking to my room, changing. I was just going to go to sleep in my bed but, to my surprise, Kyle was there waiting, fast asleep.

I smiled a bit, getting under the sheets with him, cuddling up. I think that woke him up pretty quick, he was a light sleeper after all. "Mm.. Stan..?" He asked sleepily "Yep, that's me." Even in the dark I could see his bright smile. He hugged me close "I missed you.. how was work?" "It was okay I guess." He cuddled up to me "Good." He put his hands in my hair, running his hands through them gently "Why are you in my bed? I don't mind but, just curious." I asked him.

"I missed you and I was sorta hot. Your room is like Antarctica." I chuckled "I know, I love it." He giggled "Well I love you." He told me sweetly, giving me a peck on the cheek "I love you too Kyle."

He wrapped his arms around me close, cuddling up to me. I closed my eyes, getting ready to sleep.. Until I heard my phone get a notification. It's legit 4 in the morning, who's texting me??

With a sigh I rolled over to grab my phone, the bright light blinding me "Staan what are you doing..?" Kyle asked "Turning my phone on ''Do Not Disturb" So I can fucking sleep." He giggled a bit "What?" I asked looking back at him "I don't know, the aggression was so cute and funny." I chuckled a bit, turning do not disturb on before setting my phone back down. I yawned, turning the other way so I could cuddle Kyle closer. He hummed happily at this.

It wasn't too long till the two of us fell fast asleep...

..I let out a soft yawn as I woke up. Kyle was already gone and at school. I sighed, grabbing my phone, turning it off of Do Not Disturb only to be bombarded be several thousands of texts from cartman "Holy shit.." I said aloud.

What the fuck does he want..? I let out a huff, pressing the call button. He was pretty quick to answer.

"STAN! JESUS CHRIST, ITS ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!" He screeched "Dude what do you want, I worked last night." He huffed "I'm busy today so this is how I'm giving you your task. This week I want you two to kiss and be coupley in public." I sighed "Okay.. I guess I can do that.. Let's hangout like.. I don't know.. Friday?" I asked "That works." "Great, good, fuck off now I'm tired." I told him with a huff as I hung up, laying back down, quickly falling back asleep...

Kyle's POV

I let out a long sigh as I drove to Kenny's apartment. Stan probably thinks I'm at school right now, but really, I'm skipping to go talk with Cartman. I want to know what the fuck is going on. I nodded as I arrived, parking in the parking lot and getting out of the car.

I walked in, up the two flight of stairs, and straight to Kenny's door. I knocked.

The door was soon slowly opened by Kenny's little sister. She wasn't very little anymore though, she was at least 16, maybe 17 now. "Um, hi." She said "I'm Kenny's friend Kyle, can you let me in." She nodded "Sure." I came in and she shut the door "Come in come in, I made breakfast, are you hungry?" She asked. I shook my head. "No thank you though." "You sure? I make killer eggs." I shook my head "Alright suit yourself. Kenny's in his room and I'm having a tea party with the fat man." She said simply "EY, I'M NOT FAT!" I heard Cartman call from the living room "Tea party? Don't you have school?" I asked "Nah. I took the day off." She said with a shrug "Oh well, alright."

I walked into the living room "I'm going to talk with Kenny and then you better get ready to have your fat ass kicked because I have a bone to pick with you." I threatened him before walking to Kenny's room. I knocked gently "Hey, it's me Kyle." Kenny opened the door quick "Kyle? Dude, perfect timing, get in here." He grabbed my arm, pulling me in "Look who stayed the night." he told me, giving me a nudge. I chuckled quietly, looking at the bed, and there was Butters "Uh.. Wow.." He nodded "Did you guys..." He shook his head "I was drunk and had the intention to I think but he ended up breaking down about how abusive his girlfriend was and not wanting to go home so I was nice and let him sleepover.. But with the couch taken and Karen in the guest room I wasn't gonna let him sleep in a chair so I let him sleep with me." Kenny told me with a shrug.

I sighed "Dude, what is Cartman blackmailing Stan for..?" I asked "Dude, talk with him, I'm not getting on that dudes bad side, i already almost died doing so." He said putting his hands up in defense.

I sighed "Okay. I'm going to take him out for breakfast and try to talk shit out with him. I'll turn my location on the sharing app, okay?" He nodded "Okay. Stay safe dude, Cartman is fucking nuts." I chuckled "Dude, I know."

I then left his room and went over to Cartman "Alright fatass, I'm taking you with me, let's go." "What? Hell no, screw off Jew, I'm having a tea party with Karen..!" I sighed "Dude, I'm taking you to a place with breakfast." His face went from pissed to neutral in seconds. He took the plastic tiara off his head and stood up, pretending to curtsy.

"Thank you for the tea princess Karen. I'm leaving now." She smiled "Okay, bye." She said giggling. I sighed "Come on Fatass, lets go."

He followed me down the stairs, walking with me out to the car. We both got in, buckling up and I pulled out, the car dead silent. Eventually, he spoke "Why are you doing this?" He asked "I have my reasons." "Yeah, and I want to know them." He told me.

I sighed "What are you blackmailing Stan for and why?" I asked glancing at him "What? That's what this is about, seriously?" He asked with an eye roll. "Yes!" I said with a huff which got me an eyeroll "He did something dumb while he was drunk and me being me, I'm using it against him." He said with a shrug

"Case closed Sherlock, can you take me home now?" "No. Tell me everything, I want details Cartman." He shook his head "You don't need to know shit, and if thats all you want from me you can drop me off right here on the side of the road." He said stubbornly.

I huffed, pulling my car over to the side of the road "What?" He asked "You said you were going to get out, do it." I said not looking at him. Cartman gave me this look, I don't know what it was but I'll admit, it didn't look very good. He turned to me before putting his hand on my neck, gently squeezing it and strangling me ever so slightly "Stay in your fucking lane Jew, or things are going to get very fucking messy." He threatened. He then held it there for a moment more before letting go and getting out.

I sat there in my car for a few minutes on the side of the road just wondering..

What the hell just happened?!

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