Chapter Thirty-Four 💖

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Monday, May 31st
3,266 Words
Kyle's POV
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I woke up the next morning in Stan's bed. I felt really confused at first, but it quickly dawned on me that when he left for work I likely went into his room to cool down–quite literally. His room was always cold. I sighed, flipping onto my stomach and holding his pillow. I took in its scent, which was just purely the scent of Stan, and god, it was intoxicating. I relaxed upon doing this, closing my eyes.

I began imagining myself just laying on his chest, cuddled up to him. Then he looks down at me and laughs with that smile of his spread across his face. And he'd just say “You're so pretty.” Or something like that, then put his hand in my hair and play with it softly as I slowly but surely fell asleep…

I opened my eyes quickly, startled at my own thoughts. I sat up fast. I have a boyfriend!! I need to stop thinking of Stan like this…

So just like that, I got up and left his room. Walking out into the living room I frowned, he ended up just sleeping on the couch when he came back from work.

Now I feel bad. He should've just kicked me out of his bed. I went over to the couch and looked at him while he slept. I know that sounds creepy, but I swear, it's just because I was thinking about picking him up and moving him to his room. Stan slept like a rock, so it was just a matter of if I was able to move him.

So I walked over and grabbed him by the waist, slowly lifting him up, but that wasn't going to work so I stopped. I looked at him, processing the situation for a second or two. It's not that he's fat or something, I'm just so scrawny. After a while, I just settled on attempting to carry him bridal style.

And, yeah, it went about as well as you'd expect it to. But with a bit of struggle, I was able to carry him, putting him in his bed and tucking him in. I felt like a mother or something, god.

Looking down at him I smiled softly. I gently ran a hand through his hair, smiling more. He was so cute… And as soon as that thought came I immediately stopped and backed away. What is wrong with me?!? I had to resist cuddling up to him or kissing him. His room makes me feel things I neither want to feel or should be feeling.

So I left his room with a sigh. After leaving I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone and, wow, had I really slept in. It was already noon! I sighed, that whole breakdown really got to me.

I let my mind wander for some time, and my mind would just not stop going to Stan. It was something I just couldn't fight.

I think I really just need to go see my boyfriend. To just take in that loving presence that I need so badly right now. I miss him, I miss him so much. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. It rang and it rang, but it went to voicemail. I frowned, trying again. This time he answered, “Hey babe, sorry I was finishing the dishes. What's up?” David said. I smiled a little bit at the sound of his voice, but then I remembered everything I thought yesterday and it faltered. “Oh, ah, no don't worry about it. I just uh…”

I sighed, “I really just.. Really need to see you. Can I come over?” I asked, “Is something wrong?” He questioned, “Did something happen?” “Yes- Well.. No.. I- I don't really want to talk about it honestly..” I said sighing, “I just.. Miss you. I want to come over and cuddle up to you for a long, long time..” I told him, “I just.. I need you. I need to be with you right now.. I feel shitty and I know this is like really last minute and I'm sorry I just..” My eyes were tearing up and my voice was getting a little whiny, making it clear I was on the verge of crying, “I'm sorry.. I'm so horrible I-” I was about to tell him about last night, but he interrupted, “Hey, hey.. Babe, don't worry it's okay. You're always welcome at my place, no need to cry.”

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