Chapter Twenty-Seven 💖

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Wednesday, May 26th
Kyle's pov
2287 words
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I smiled softly as I woke up to the smell of pancakes. It smelt so good... But who was making them? I got up out of bed with a yawn, walking out and into the kitchen. My eyes widened slightly "David?!" I asked, surprised. He turned around smiling "Oh, good morning Kyle. How did you sleep?" I looked at him "Good but- How did you get in my house?" He chuckled "You gave me a key, remember?" I blushed "Oh, yeah, right." I said, embarrassed. I sat at the table humming softly. He soon turned around with a plate, placing it in front of me. He hugged me "Happy birthday Kyle." He said with a smirk. My face went a bit red "Oh uh.. Thanks. This looks delicious." I told him smiling.

I looked over as I heard Stan's door open "Morning Stan." I said taking a bite of the pancakes "Oh, morning Ky. Happy birthday, dude." I smiled "Thanks." He simply nodded. David grabbed Stan by the shoulders and looked at him with a serious face "Stan." He gave David a confused look "Yeah?" David then sat him in a seat, placing a plate of pancakes in front of him without another word "Woah...thanks, David. I love pancakes!" He said excitedly.

I picked around at my food, eating it occasionally. It's not that I didn't like it, I just wasn't really hungry. Stan looked up at me as I stood to take care of my plate that still had a whole pancake and a half "Kyle, finish at least one." "But-" He shook his head "Just eat it." I sighed "Fine." "Thank you." He told me.

Soon he finished, taking care of his plate "I'm going to go back to my room, nice pancakes though David." He said walking away.

I peeked back over to see if he was in his room, standing to throw it away. "And what do you think you're doing?" David asked "I uh.." I muttered, chuckling nervously "I worked so hard on the pancakes, at least finish one or I might die-" He told me jokingly, being dramatic as he chuckled, making me laugh a bit.

"Hm- Only because you asked so nicely." I took one last bite, finishing the first pancake before throwing the other away "So what are you doing for your birthday again?" He questioned, "Well uh– my friends and I are having dinner together and that's about all." David smiled "Mind if I join this time?" I chuckled "I don't mind at all David, you've been with me through literally all of my hardest times." I told him smiling "Right- well.." he chuckled "I don't know, I just thought maybe..."

"Maybe..?" I repeated, smirking slightly. He looked away "I- Kyle..?" He uttered "Yeah?" I asked. "I know you're having dinner with your friends but um.. Would you maybe want to lunch with me?" He asked "With... Just me?" He reiterated.

"David– Are you asking me out?" I asked, catching on "I uh-" I laughed at his face which reddened as he had no words to justify his question "That- depends on what your answer is.." He told me, smiling a little nervously as he looked into my eyes.

"Well, what answer do you wanna hear?" I asked him, chuckling "I think you could figure that much out, Ky." David smiled sweetly at me "I... Know you have bad trust issues now because of previous relationships and all but.. I–" He paused, looking a little embarrassed "Kyle, I like you.. A lot." He said looking into my eyes. His look was serious and my smirk slowly dropped as my face got warm and hot. The silence was thick as we looked at each other.

"You.. You really mean it?" I asked him "Yes... I- I know it's so sudden and I know you have bad trust issues but I really mean it when I say you are amazing Kyle. Out of everyone I've ever met in my whole life, you are, like, the only person I know who has stayed incredibly strong throughout something I frankly don't think I could ever handle, not to mention, finishing college on top of it. I mean- That alone is spectacular and that's just one of the many reasons I've fallen for you Kyle.."

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