Chapter Thirty 💖

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Saturday, May 29th
Kyle's POV
1331 Words
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I smiled softly as I arrived at David's place. He lived across town in a small but cute apartment with his ferrets Goldie and Puck. I shut the car off and got out, walking up to his room and knocking on the door, "I'll be there in a second!" I heard him call from in the house. With a chuckle, I smiled, waiting patiently.

Things between us, despite just beginning not too long ago, have been going very well. He makes me so happy, and he always knows how to make me smile. He's such a charismatic guy with a kind and caring heart, and I really don't know what I did to deserve someone as sweet as him.

I looked at the door as David opened it. He had a big smile on his face, which only got bigger as our eyes met. I blushed, my smile widening. We didn't say a word for a moment, just looking at the other with a big smile. His eyes were a beautiful brown, and he looked so cute. After a while, he would finally let out a soft satisfied sigh and put his hand on my cheek, "You look good today." He whispered to me. My face flushed more, and I got butterflies in my stomach. I chuckled, "You do too." I whispered back to him, chuckling.

Then I smiled more, putting my hands on his cheeks and letting out a satisfied breath. "I missed you." I told him. His face got a bit red, and he chuckled, "I missed you too." He told me sweetly, kissing my forehead gently before letting go of me.

I smiled, taking my hands off of him as well. "What was your surprise?" "Well, I wanted to take you out." He told me. My heart melted, "Awe, David, that's so sweet of you." I told him. "You really don't have to, you know that, right? I don't need anything fancy, not at all." He chuckled, "Well, you deserve something fancy. C'mon, let me spoil you, just this once?" He asked, begging a little.

I giggled a bit and blushed, smiling at his cute attitude. "Alright, fine! What did you have in mind?" I ask him. "How does Casa Bonita sound?" "That sounds amazing." I told him.

"Good, because I already reserved it." he told me, smirking as he walked in. I chuckled, following him, "Oh did you now?" I asked, shutting the door behind me. He chuckled, "Well, I only want the best for you, but I know you don't like something over the top fancy, so I figured it would be pretty perfect to take you there for a date tonight." I blushed, smiling. "Awe, David... You really didn't have to!" I told him.

"I beg to differ." He told me, chuckling as he took my hand. "Now, we aren't going until later, so I want to cuddle with you for a bit. Maybe we could watch that show you were telling me about the other day." David told me, smiling. I smiled back, walking over to his couch, "That sounds perfect." He smiled bigger and sat beside me. I gently cuddled up to him and let out a happy sigh.

Man, I love my boyfriend.

Stan's POV
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After I went home, I couldn't stop thinking about Gary. His smile, his eyes, his scent... I needed to see him again. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text asking if he wanted to go out for dinner tonight with me. I had quickly added that I wanted to chat with him more since we hadn't seen each other for such a long time, mainly because I didn't want to seem like I was just asking him out. But he was actually pretty fast to reply and immediately agreed. It had only been about an hour since I last saw him, but he clearly wanted to see me again and chat more. I smiled as we chatted together about where we would be going and when. We ended up agreeing on going to Casa Bonita later tonight, because when I brought it up he said he'd never heard of it.

It wouldn't even be until later tonight, but I didn't have anything to do until then, so I just started to get ready. I guess maybe I can take a really long shower to take up more time.

So I went into the bathroom and, after getting undressed, I shut off the lights and got into the shower.

I don't know if it's unusual or not, but pretty much ever since I was 11 or 12 I loved taking showers in the dark. I'm not exactly sure what it is about it, but it's just more soothing, more calming, and it feels cool.

I don't usually take long showers, so a half-hour shower was as long as I needed. I got out of the shower and took my time drying my hair. Usually I just let it air-dry, but I had time to kill, so I figured I would just take my time.

After finishing that I dried off and got dressed again. I checked the time, and I had really only wasted an hour. I groaned a little because it was only 2 in the afternoon and we weren't going until much later because he had to run some errands and do a few things, so I just went to the living room and turned on SpongeBob. My mind was other places though, I couldn't wait to see Gary again.

This date is going to be amazing.

Kyle's POV
6:01 pm at Casa Bonita's
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I probably looked like a happy little kid right about now as we arrived. This was my favorite place when I was younger, and it still continues to be. It's so festive and the food is delicious. We arrived, parking in the parking lot and getting out.

"When was the last time you went here?" He asked, "Probably with my friends on Cartman's birthday. He adores this place." David chuckled, "More than KFC?" He asked, making me laugh. "Maybe." I told him.

Before we even went into Casa Bonita, I saw someone familiar in the parking lot who caught my eye... Is that Stan?

My thoughts were interrupted as David grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Come on, let's go." I glanced back at the person for a moment before nodding "Okay David." I shook my head, looking at him and smiling. It probably wasn't him, I mean, what are the odds that we'd go to Casa Bonita on the same day and at the same time?

Stan's POV
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I stood in the parking lot for Casa Bonita waiting for Gary to arrive. He told me he'd arrive after not too long, but I could hardly wait to see him.

I waited for maybe 3 minutes before I saw him walking over. He looked so good, what the fuck...?! My cheeks flushed a little bit, but I walked over to him too. I smiled as we finally reached each other face to face "Hi." He told me, smiling.

"Hey." I responded, "You look good." I told him. His cheeks got a little red, "Thanks." he sheepishly told me.

After a moment of just smiling at each other, he reached out his hand, almost a little awkwardly. I think he wanted me to hold his hand. So I looked at him, smiling softly as I took his hand in mine.

"You wanna go in?" He would finally ask. "Yeah, sure." I told him, smiling.

We walked in together, but as we walked in I caught a glimpse of Kyle's car... Maybe It's just a car that looks similar to his or something, I mean, what kind of awkward coincidence would it be if we both came here on a date at the same time on the same day?

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