Chapter Fourteen 💖

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Monday, April 7th
Kyle's POV
1821 Words
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I drove home not too much longer after Cartman tried to strangle me.. I think..? I'm still a little confused what happened there, honestly. Arriving at home I parked and went to our apartment. I unlocked the door, walking in, not realizing that Stan probably thought I was still at school.

I walked in, setting my keys on the table. Stan was in the kitchen doing the dishes "Oh Kyle- I thought you had school today?" He said turning to see me "Oh uh- Yeah, I did." I said walking past him to my room "Why aren't you at school then?" He asked, speaking a little louder so I could hear him. I sighed, changing my shirt "Uh, I don't know, just cause..?" I called back.

I walked back out and he had a pretty confused look on his face "But you never miss school." He said looking at me "Yeah, well I did today." I told him with a shrug "I thought you hate missing school." I sighed "I do but I had something to do." "I could've done it for you." I shook my head "It was better that I did it." "You could've done it after school or at lunch-" I huffed "Stan, just shut up about it please..!" I told him, raising my voice slightly "Jeez sorry- It's just.. It isn't like you to miss school purposly.." He told me looking away "Well sometimes I will if I need to I will. This was important, okay?" He scoffed "If it's so important why don't you tell me what it was?"

I huffed "Because It's none of your business Stan!" "It's none of my business? I thought we were dating! I feel like you randomly skippinng school to do "Something important" is somthing I should know about!" I huffed "Stan, just because we're dating doesn't mean you need to know where I am 24/7!" "What, am I just supposed to let you leave as you please and not question a thing?" I rolled my eyes "Yes! Stan I'm an adult, we both are- I can go somewhere without telling you, it's not a big deal!"

"Yes it is!" "Why is it a big deal Stan?!" I asked with a huff "Because you're skipping school to do it and that's just not like you!" "Oh so you just know everything about me?!" He huffed "I know a lot about you Kyle, we've been best friends for what, 25 years?!" I gave him a very confused look "Stan, we haven't even been alive for Twenty-five years!" He huffed "You know what I mean! I think I know you pretty well Kyle!" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms "Oh yeah, when's my birthday?" I asked. He went silent, thinking "Exactly, you don't even kno-" "May 26th!" I was a bit surprised. He doesn't ever remember anyones birthdays..

"Exactly. Do you even know my-" "October 19th- You know I remember birthdays." He scoffed "Yeah, cause you're just a know it all." He said with an eyeroll "What does that have to do with anything Stan?!" "It has to do with everything Kyle! You always just act like you know everything and it's so annoying!" Ouch. That hurt.

I huffed "Why are you so mad at me all of the sudden Stan? Did I do something to make you just generally be mad with me? Because if I did just tell me because this is the stupidest fight ever!" He huffed "It was perfectly justifyable before the subject changed. You shouldn't be skipping school to go do secret shit! You know I'm fine with you doing shit, I'm not trying to be controlling, I'm just not sure if you were out sucking some guys dick or something!" I huffed "That's seriously what you're worried about?! Me cheating on you!?" He threw his arms up "Yes!!" I rolled my eyes "Stan why the fuck would I cheat on you?! I've liked you for several years, why the fuck would I want to cheat on you the fucking moment that we're together and doing fine?!" Stan pinched the bridge of his nose "Kyle I don't fucking know..!" I huffed "Stan, just tell me, what the hell is your deal?!" He huffed "Just tell me where you went!"

"I went to Kenny's apartment! Is that such a big fucking deal?!" "Why the hell did you skip school to go to Kenny's house!?" I huffed "Again, that is absolutely none of your fucking business!" He chuckled sarcastically "It is when Kenny is a total fuckboy!" "Dude, I love YOU! I don't want to have sex with fucking Kenny! I've never even had sex before, why would I do it with fucking Kenny?!" Stan gave me a confused look "You've never had sex before? Really?" "Yes! Is that so hard to belive? You're the first guy I've really been with, plus I've only dated maybe two girls before, and we didn't even kiss, so clearly we didn't have sex!" Stan was silent for a minute "Dude, that sucks." I rolled my eyes "I'm fine without it.. I don't even really know if I'd like anything like that."

It went silent between us for a little bit, I just stared at him and he finished loading the dishwasher. After he finished he looked back at me "Just tell me Ky, why the fuck did you skip to go to Kenny's?" I sighed, looking away "Because I fucking needed to talk to Cartman, okay? You know now, can you stop fucking asking?" "Talk to Cartman about what?" He would ask again "Oh my fucking god Stan..! I love you but what is with all the fucking questions?! Like seriously!!" "Just answer me! Is it that hard?!" he asked "Just mind your own FUCKING business, is THAT so hard?!" I asked.

"Why are you being such an asshole, what did I do?!" I scoffed "Seriously?! You keep on fucking interrogating me into to telling you shit that you don't fucking need to know! Just mind your own business, I don't bother you asking where you went all day!" He rolled his eyes "Yeah because I wouldn't cheat on you." His words stabbed me. Did he really think I would cheat on him? "You really think I'd cheat on you?" I asked my tone softening a bit "Yeah." I looked at him "Why?" "I don't know, you just.. Don't seem that into me."

"Dude are you fucking serious?!" I asked tearing up "What?" "I don't seem that into you Stan, seriously?! I've liked you for years and years! I've had a crush on you since we were 10!-" Tears started to pour out "And you never fucking noticed, you never knew, you never even thought to think that I was doing certian things because I liked you." I said looking at him "You didn't do certain things because you liked me.." Stan said simply "I did so many things just because I liked you Stan! You just never realized it, you never thought to think of me as more than just a friend..!" My voice was breaking. I was so close to full on sobbing..

"I watched you break up and get back together with Wendy so many times, and I comforted you everytime no matter how stupid I knew it was because you loved HER. I knew it was pointless because you guys would always just end up getting into a fight and breaking up, but I told you to stay with her because she made you so happy.." I told him. Tears flowed down my face like a waterfall of tears. I couldn't hold this back anymore.

"Because she could make you happy in a way I couldn't, in a way I never thought I could.." I took a minute, trying to breathe and stop crying so much but Stan's speachlessness just made it worse.

"And it seems she made you happy in a way I still can't ever make you happy, because no matter what happens between us you STILL just see me as a friend..!" "Whaat? No I don't.." He spoke up finally, not sounding very convincing "Stan you always have a weird look on your face whenever I kiss you or touch you in a way I would never do as your best friend. Like you don't like it, or it makes you uncomfortable.. And I know it's not that you don't like it in general because you looked over the moon whenever Wendy would kiss you or anything.." I said simply "So.. It's just me.." I said, making myself cry more.

"You don't like me the way that I like you. No matter how much you pretend I can tell and I know..! I was trying to ignore it, trying to act like it was just something you were doing but, god Stan, if you don't like me why are you trying to date me?! If you don't return my feelings why do you act like you want to be with me romantically..?!" I asked sadly.

"If you don't love me why do you try to act like you do..?" I asked finally, tears pouring out of my eyes with no end. I couldn't speak anymore, I was crying so hard. He just stood there, speechless, motionless. Not caring to comfort me or try to deny anything, he just stood there staring.

I looked at him "If you don't like me we don't need to be together, because clearly this is not going to work." I told him, doing my best to dry my tears. "No, I want to be with you..!" "Then why the hell aren't you acting like it Stan!? I feel like you're just pretending and you don't even really like me..!" He frowned "I like you." I sighed "You know what I mean! I feel like you don't love me like a boyfriend should- You love me how a bestfriend should..!"

He walked over, silent. He had a blank expression on his face but he did look like he was going to cry "I love you a lot Kyle, I'm sorry I don't act like it.." A tear or two rolled down his cheek. He put his hand on my cheek, looking into my watery tear filled eyes while I looked up at his "I love you too.." I whispered. He then leaned down, giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I melted into it pretty quick, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him.

The kiss didn't last long, but it felt different. It felt more sincere, and loving. He then hugged me close, holding me in his arms "I'm sorry.." He said softly, rubbing my back "It's okay." "No it's not, I made you cry.."

I smiled "But now you made me love you more than I did before." I said happily, relaxing into his arms feeling happy. He loves me.

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