Chapter Seventeen 💖

239 8 16

Tuesday, April 15th
Kyle's POV
1032 Words
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I smiled as we arrived in the empty parking lot. It was something me and Stan always did: Hung out in large empty parking lots.

He got out and I grabbed the food. We walked a little bit away from the car and sat on the pavement. It hurt a little but it was what we always did. There wasn't a cloud in the sky as we looked up, just pure stars. I smiled, looking over at Stan "This is the best kind of date you could ever take me on." I told him as I handed him his food "Really? Burger King and an empty parking lot?" I chuckled "Like I said, I'm easy to please." I said kissing his cheek. We ate in silence with my head on his shoulder, looking up at the stars every now and then. Stan took his phone out of his pocket, gasping slightly "Dude I didn't realize, it's already like 9." "Cool." I told him shrugging "Don't you.. Care about being home and going to sleep for school?" I smiled a bit, looking over at him "Yeah well, you're more important.." I told him simply "Tonight at least." He snickered "I'll take what I can get."

Soon we finished eating and I lay on his lap, looking up at the stars. Though I'll be honest, my eyes started to wonder and at some point the only thing I could look at was Stan. I let out a soft happy sigh, smiling as more than I ever thought I could.

Soon enough he looked down at me, just staring into my eyes. I sat up, sitting on his lap and facing him. I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against his, still smiling "I used to think about doing this type of stuff with you all the time.." I told the other softly "I never thought I'd ever be able to do any of it. You were so into Wendy for so long." I said with a bit of a chuckle "But then you moved in with me last year, and I felt like I had a bit of a chance." I told him happily.

Stan put his hands on my face, making me open my eyes "I'm sorry I never noticed that you liked me." "It's fine. You never thought to think that of me... You didn't even know I was gay for a long time so it seems you had no reason to connect that dot either." I told him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I smiled more looking into his eyes "Your eyes are gorgeous." He smiled "Are they?" He'd ask "Because I think yours are gorgeouser." That made me blush a bit, but also giggle "Stan, you'd say more gorgeous." "Shh- I'll do what I want." I giggled, smiling a bit "I love you, Stan." "I.." He paused "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just need a drink." he said with a chuckle, taking a sip of his drink "My throat was just dry. I love you Ky."

I smiled and leaned close to him, slowly leaning closer and closer to his mouth before eventually our lips met. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he kissed back softly.

We held it for a really long time. It felt like forever, but it also felt so amazing. At some point a light breeze came, giving me slight goosebumps and making me gasp a little. Stan took that opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, giving me butterflies.

He moved his tongue around inside my mouth, exploring it a bit. I did my best to do the same, but clearly, he was more experienced. We soon pulled away for air, taking a big breath before slamming our lips against each other again. He gently pushed me down as we continued to make out, now lying on top of me. I kept my arms around his neck as our tongues flopped around in each other's mouths. At some point, he pulled away, a strand of spit connecting from my mouth to his as we panted for air. He soon leaned down and started to suck on my neck.

I gasped sharply at the feeling at first, my stomach was bursting with butterflies. He kissed and sucked all around my neck, or at least the front of it, till there was one spot that felt really sensitive. I shivered a little, letting out another sharp gasp. I wish he would've moved to a different spot on my neck, but instead, he added biting into it, gently biting on the sensitive spot.

I covered my mouth with my hand, doing my best to hold back small moans and groans that desperately wanted to come out. He continued sucking and gently biting on that one spot until there was probably a hickey there. Now I just wish he would've done this on my chest or something. Somewhere where people can't see maybe?

But no, he continued, likely leaving a few more small ones. He soon pulled away licking his lips and giving me one final kiss, this one short and sweet. I smiled, looking at him as he pulled away "I love you." I told him softly "I love you too."

I yawned softly "I want to go home and cuddle you." I told him giving him a hug Stan smiled, standing up "We can do that." I smiled "Cool, let's do it then!" He helped me grab our trash, putting it in the once-empty bag. We then walked to the car, got in, buckled up, and left. He drove us home silently. The car remained silent the whole way there. Soon enough we got home to the parking garage. He and I got out, walking to our apartment door. He unlocked it, walking in with me "Home sweet home." He said, making me giggle.

After brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed, we went into his room and cuddled. He laid on his back and I laid on top of him on my stomach facing him. Laying my head on his chest I smiled happily at him "I love you, Stan."

"I love you too Kyle."

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