Chapter Five 💖

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Saturday, March 22nd
Kyle's POV
 1212 Words
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I let out a groan as I was woken up to the sound of knocking on my door. Rubbing my eyes I look at the clock and then to my messy bed, everything coming back to me in an overwhelming mess of feelings. It was 8:08 A.M and now I was being woken up by a knock, and I know exactly who it was. I got up, walking over to the door "What do you want Stan?" I asked "Kyle, I know you're mad at me but please open the door, I have a surprise for you." I huffed "Mad doesn't even begin to describe it Marsh..!" I argued. He sighed, seemingly walking away from my door. I sighed, sliding down and sitting against it, my eyes closed. I opened my eyes as I felt him slide something under the door for me.  I skeptically picked up the paper. It was a card. I opened it, reading it go myself.

It read:
Kyle, I'm so sorry for what I did last night, or more or less, what I didn't do. I was half asleep and I didn't know how to respond, and I know thats not a good excuse but I don't know. I've never felt this for any guy before, so I've felt a little awkward doing this, but that's really no excuse either. I'm sorry, please come out and talk to me, I'll be waiting. :)
                     -love, Stan

I teared up as I read it. He was so cute and so sweet, putting a card under the door for me. I love him so much, I can't even be mad at his cute little note-giving-self. I let out a deep breath as I stood up, setting the cute card on my nightstand. I opened the door, he was leaning against it. I know that because he nearly fell over when I opened it. I looked down at him "Are you okay?" He jumped up to his feet "I'm fine- But are you okay..!?" He asked me quick, hugging me close. I smiled, chuckling a little "Yeah, I'm alright." I replied softly.

He let go of me "Sorry, I'll give you space.." He rubbed his eyes "I'm still kinda tired, but thats besides the point." He handed me flowers "Woah, stan where did you-" "They're special for you." He said softly "I know I'm an idiot for not responding to anything you said last night. Like I said in that little card, I've been acting so awkward since I've never been with a guy before and I was tired last night so not a lot was registering, and I know that's not an excuse and if it is it's the lamest excuse to exist, but Kyle.." He looked down at me, a soft expression on his face. He knelt down slightly to look at me face to face "I love you so much.. I love you as a friend, and I love you romantically too. I love you both ways, and I love you so so much." He said softly with a smile

"I'm sorry I made you feel the way I did.. Can you please forgive me..?" He asked softly. I looked at him then to the messily picked ''bouquet'' of dandelions. I then looked back up at him, smiling "Of course I can-" I said before sneezing "As long as you get rid of these and don't get me dandelions again because I'm allergic." I said with a chuckle. He took them quick, tossing them behind him "Stan..!" "I'll clean it up." He whispered, hugging me.

I hugged him back softly, rubbing his back. He soon pulled away from the hug, looking me in the eyes "Do you want to take this slow or do you want to get together..?" I hummed "One more date.. I have somewhere in mind-" He nodded "Okay, when?" "Tomorrow obviously, today's Kenny's birthday." I told him. "Wait fuck, it is..!?" He exclaimed "Yes. How do you not know?" I asked with a chuckle. He shrugged "I don't know! What are we doing?" I shrugged "I think we're just hanging out at his apartment for an hour or so." "Dude I don't have anything for him..!"

I smiled "Stan, just order pizzas, Kenny will love you." we chuckled a bit together "Alright, I can do that." He smiled at me "I love you Kyle." He told me softly. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck "I love you too Stan." He started to lean close to my face, looking into my eyes. I started to realize and quickly pulled away "Sorry." Stan said quick "Uh, I made you breakfast." He said softly "Awe, thank you Stan." He's so sweet.

I sat at the table and he had made a perfect sunny side up egg and I was just in raw shock. There was also buttered toast there, and I looked up at him smiling "How long did it take you to do this?" He shrugged "First try?" He asked, sitting across from me. I smiled "You should be a chef." I said taking a bite "Mm, and it's really good too- perfectly seasoned." He shrugged "Eh, I don't think I'd do very good. I'm just really good with eggs." he said shrugging.

Soon we both finished our breakfast and as Stan took care of the dishes, I called Kenny "Hey dude, when do you want us to come over?" "Uh, any time is cool." Kenny answered. "Alright, we might come in an hour or so. I'll call you before we come." I told him "Alright dude, you do you." He said before hanging up. I smiled and stood up, walking over to Stan and coming up from behind him, wrapping my arms around him "I don't care if you don't like it, you're going to take a nap okay?" He sighed, shutting the dishwasher "Fine."

I smiled "Thank you." I smiled, walking away "I'm going to take a shower. Get in your bed and get a little sleep." I said tickling him a little. He chuckled "Okay okay! Only because I love you though." Those words made me melt. I chuckled as I watched him walk into his room, blowing me a kiss before shutting the door behind me. Cute.

I smiled, taking another shower, though I hardly needed it. This time I made it short and simple, washing my hair and body and getting out and getting dressed. After finishing I walked over to Stan's door and went in. He was laying in bed, looking half asleep. I chuckled a bit, a large smile on my face. "What are you doing Kyle?" he asked making me jump a little "Watching you sleep, looking so cute." He chuckled, throwing a pillow at me "Creepy!" I laughed, getting into the bed with him and pinning him against the bed despite him being bigger "Whos creepy now?" He laughed "Still you?" I laughed a bit, unable to stop. We laughed like that for a little bit before finally calming down. I Layed on top of his chest, comfortable as we cuddled under the blankets.

"I love you Kyle.." I laughed a bit "Get some sleep Stan."

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