Chapter Two 💖

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Monday, March 17th
Stan's POV
1324 Words
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I let out a soft sigh as we arrived at the park we had agreed on. It was one of those parks that was just trees and benches with a small lake as the main attraction, not a playground type of park, which I honestly sort of preferred. I looked over at Kyle, who looked so happy. I'm so horrible for doing this to him..

"You ready?" I asked. He nodded excitedly "I can carry the food, you carry the drinks." He said softly. I nodded, getting out. We walked together to an empty picnic bench, sitting across from each other. He gave me what I ordered and I handed him his drink. Neither of us said a word or started to eat, we just sorta sat there in silence looking at each other "So um.." Kyle started.

"Sorry if I seem quiet or something- I'm just still kind of shocked. I really never thought you'd like me back." He said with a nervous chuckle "Honestly I didn't think you swung both ways." He said looking down at the grass. Tucking a hair behind his hair, he frowned "I sort of have a feeling that your just fucking with me.." shit.

I put my hand on top of the one he had on top of the table, smiling at him "Well stop feeling that way Ky. I'm serious, I love you more than a friend." He looked at me, into my eyes "For real?" He asked softly, a smile creeping onto his face. I nodded "Of course." He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as his face softened into a big smile. He intertwined our fingers and opened his eyes again "I trust you Stan."

Those words stabbed my conscious so hard. I wish I did actually like him, he's going to hate me so much after this..

I let go of his hand "Now lets eat." I told him smiling. He nodded "How are classes going?" He shrugged taking a bite of his food "It's school." He stated. I chuckled "Regretting going to college?" Kyle laughed a bit "Uh, hell no!" He said laughing again "First of all, my parents paid for fucking everything in advance so I didn't have to worry about student loans and shit. Second of all, it may be a pain going to through college and shit but overall, it's worth it in the long run because I can get a good paying job that I like." He explained. I nodded, taking a bite as well "I don't know, I just feel like it's worth it to suffed through a few years of college to be able to get a good job that pays well." He said with a shrug.

"No I get that. I just don't like school so that's why I didn't want to go to college." I said with a nervous chuckle. Kyle giggled, taking a bite "Fair."

We sat in silence for a second, just eating. Wanting to break the silence, I looked to Kyle "So um.. Kyle, how did you know you liked me?" "Hm?" He asked confused. "Well, you know.. Uh, I mean it's not like you knew you liked guys from a young age.. Right?" Kyle hummed, shrugging "I don't know how long I've known that I like guys. I remember in maybe- 5th grade, I started having this weird feeling whenever I'd see you smile, get a hug from you, hear your laygh, or even just think of you." He had a wide smile on his face "I don't know, it kind of escalated from there and almost everything about you made me feel that way, and I knew that you just made me so happy." He said softly

"They got more prominent in 6th so I sorta asked my parents what love was-" He rolled his eyes "That did not help. At some point, i think maybe early 7th I was sleeping over at your house and you were passed out in your room and I had went downstairs to get some water and your mom was there, so I asked her, and her words were all it took to make me realize that I had a fat ass crush on you." He said with a chuckle.


I'm going to hell. If I wasn't already I am for fucking sure. KYLE HAS LITERALLY NEVER DONE ANYTHING SUPER MEAN TO ME, HE'S ALWAYS BEEN THERE. AND YET, HERE I AM.. pretending to like him, pretending to date him, pretending to be in love with him.. God I'm horrible

"Stan?" I jumped, feeling a single warm tear run down my cheek. "Stan why are you crying?" I quickly wiped it away "It was one tear, and it was just because something got in my eye." Kyle shrugged it off "Oh. Well um.." He looked at me "I have to get going soon but um.. I wanted you to know, I don't really want to take this fast. I know a certain blonde boy who would already have the person in his bed and I don't want that- I just want to take it nice and slow and just go on a few dates with you and then maybe we could start dating..?"  I nodded "Honestly I didn't want to go fast either." He smiled "Good. This won't make our normal life, like, weird right..?" he asked as he started to clean up his garbage "That? oh hell no. We can act how we usually would, being together doesn't change anything Ky!"

He smiled brightly "Cool." I nodded, standing up, taking his hands and pulling him up gently "Ready?" I asked, grabbing our bag of garbage. He nodded, grabbing the remains of our drinks. Walking back to the car I looked over at him should I hold his hand? Or would that be weird?

I stopped thinking about it. It's not weird. I reached my hand over and gently intertwined our fingers. He looked over at me, a bit surprised, but he smiled- He smiled brighter than I ever had seen him smile, only making my guilt sink in more. If this made him smile so much me kissing him would probably make him explode and- OH MY GOD WHAT IF I HAVE TO FUCKING KISS HIM!? OH MY GOD- THAT WOULD MAKE ME SO GAY!!!!

Soon we arrived at the car and we got in. I buckled, looking over at Kyle as he did the same "Back to your college, right?" he nodded. I nodded back in agreement, starting the car. The drive was pretty silent, but at some point I took my hand close to him off the wheel and he held it softly. I smiled a bit, glancing over at him. Neither of us adressed it or anything, we just stayed in the silence. Soon enough we got to his college parking lot. I looked over at him, still holding his hands. I smiled and gave him a soft hug "Love you, have a good rest of your day with classes." He nodded, hugging back gently. "I love you too Stan." He said happily as he pulled away "I need to get going." He said with a sigh, grabbing his bag.

"Well thank you for this Stan, even though it was simple I really liked it. I'll see you later at home." He said opening the door and getting out "Yep!" I said simply "Bye!" He said cheerily, shutting the car door. "Bye.." With a sigh I soon pulled out of the parking lot, driving back home. Only barely a day into this and I'm already knee deep in guilt. This is going to hurt him so bad...

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