Chapter Three 💖

410 11 9

Wednesday, March 19th
Stan's POV
1622 Words
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It's been two day since me and Kyle went on a date. I still don't know how to feel about this. Today at lunch I guess we're going to see Cartman and Kenny at a diner nearby. I really hope Cartman doesn't mention shit, because I already hate him for this.

I sighed as I looked over at my alarm clock. It was almost 12. Weird, usually Kyle would wake me up before he left.. Unless...

I got up quick and walked into Kyles room and wouldn't you know he was still fast asleep, snoring softly. I went to work a little bit after he got home so I have no clue if he studied himself to sleep, but from the mess of papers, pencils, and stick notes on his desk that was just clean yesterday, I'd say he probably did.

I walked over to him and gave him a light shake "Kyle." Nothing "Kyle, wake up dude it's like 9." I said shaking him again. He was pretty quick to sit up after that "Fuck.." He rubbed his eyes, looking at his clock to confirm it was indeed 11:42. He got up "I'll just do the classwork from home, there's no point in going to my last morning class because theres only like 13 minutes left of it and thats about how long it takes to get there." He said with a sigh as he grabbed his computer, setting it down on his messy desk "Okay." I said simply "Does that mean we aren't going to lunch with Kenny and Fatass?" I asked. He opened his computer typing in the password "Fuck I forgot about that.. Uh- Stan can you text them and ask if we can meet at 1ish instead of 12:30? I can get most of this done in an hour or so."

I nodded, pulling my phone out of my pocket and texting them in our group chat, asking if we could move the time. I then put it back in my pocket and looked back down at Kyle "How did you sleep "I slept okay I guess. I had to do some homework last night but I ended up finishing it and falling asleep at my desk. I think when you got home I woke up and went to my bed and I guess I just kept sleeping." He said, his eyes focusing on his computer. I looked around on his desk and grabbed his blue light glasses, sliding them on his face carefully "Oh, thank you." I nodded "Don't work yourself to death please." I told him, hugging him gently from behind "I won't." He said simply.

I let go and gently rubbed his back, which I could tell he liked. I'm sure sleeping at a desk didn't feel very good and fucked up his back some. He let out a deep breath, relaxing into my touch. I stopped and smiled at him slightly before leaving without a word. I went into the kitchen as quietly as I could and made him some toast and a cup of juice which I soon brought to him "Awe, thank you Stan." He said looking up at me with a smile "You're so sweet." I smiled, setting the toast next to him on the desk "I figured you could use it." I told him simply. "You don't need a reason to be nice." He said taking a bite and briefly glancing up at me "I know." I said with a chuckle.

"Do you want me to stay in here?" I asked. He nodded "Kinda.. But if you don't want to you don't have to." I shrugged "I don't mind." I told him "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded "Okay.. You can grab a chair from the kitchen or something if you wanna sit." I shrugged, sitting on the floor next to him "I'm fine here." He chuckled, smiling a bit "You're cute." My face flushed slightly. I wasn't used to being flirted with "Hah, thanks." He nodded and we went silent. I scrolled through Instagram silently while he worked silently with the sound of typing here and there. "Kenny and Fatass agreed to 1." I told him eventually "Oh, good." Kyle said simply before we went back to our silence. Soon he finished, stretching before closing his computer "Alright, I need to get ready now, get out." He said with a chuckle as he took off his glasses. I nodded, standing up and leaving his room. He closed the door as soon as I was out.

Realizing I was still in pajamas, I went to my own room to get dressed. I put on something simple along with my hat before leaving my room. I grabbed my wallet, putting it in my pocket before leaving my room and sitting on the couch. Not to much longer Kyle walked out with his hair up in a man bun which made me snicker a little "Shut up, I can't find my hat and my hair is crazy-" He said with a huff "Don't you always wear it to bed?" He nodded "I looked in my bed, I don't know where it is." he said with a huff "It doesn't matter anyways, we need to go." He said grabbing his keys "You ready?" I nodded getting up. He shut off the lights in the kitchen before opening the door and holding it open for me "Ladies first." He said with a smirk "Oh shut up." I said walking out.

He chuckled a bit to himself as he walked out, locking the door behind him before we started walking to the parking garage. Soon enough we got to Kyle's car and we got in. I buckled up and so did he as he started the car. He then pulled out of the place and started heading to the diner. I looked at him "So um.. Did you tell either of them about us?" He asked me. I shook my head "I mean, i know there isn't much to tell yet, we only went on one date but I don't want to fall victim to Cartmans teasing." He said with a huff. I put my hand on his shoulder, gently rubbing it "Calm down Ky.. I'm sure it won't be that bad. We'll have to tell them sooner or later but I mean we aren't even dating yet." He nodded "Oh, right." He took a deep breath "It's okay.." He told himself simply.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. Soon we arrived at the diner, Kyle parking and shutting off the car. I looked over at him, putting my hand on his "Do you want to tell them about anything or no?" He thought for a second "I don't know, maybe.." He said softly. "Hey guys!" I jumped as Kenny pushed his face the glance "Are you guys coming?" I nodded and he started to walk away "We don't need to say anything." Kyle said unbuckling. I nodded, unbuckling as well. I knew Cartman was going to say something, because he's been bothering me all week. I haven't said a word about us being "Together" now.

We got out and walked up to the door where Kenny and Cartman were standing and waiting "Jesus, what were you guys doing in there, making out?" Cartman asked "We were just talking Fatass, fuck off." Kyle said with a huff "Jeez, looks like someone's got sand in their vagina." He said  trying to whisper to Kenny, but ultimately hardly changing his volume. Kyle huffed and Kenny rolled his eyes "Let's go in before they kill each other." Kenny said to me as he walked in, Cartman following behind.

"Dude, don't let him get to you, come on." I held him by the shoulders "Deep breath in, deep breath out." He nodded, doing as I commanded, closing his eyes "Thank you." He said softly. I nodded "Let's go dude." I said taking his hand and leading him in. We were seated at a booth by a window, Cartman and Kenny sitting across from us. "So Stan, you've been ignoring my texts." Cartman said glaring at me "Oh I have? what texts?" I said with a nervous chuckle, trying to play dumb "Stan, my god, don't act stupid you know what I'm fucking talking about." He said hitting his fist on the table.

"Cartman calm the fuck down, we're in public." Kyle said staring him down "Shut the hell up Jew, I'm not talking to you!" Kyle looked up to me "Just talk to him, I'm going to go take a piss." He said getting up angrily and going to the bathroom. I watched him leave before looking to cartman "Did you do it or not?!" I huffed "Yes! Sort of! He wants to take it slow, he doesn't want to jump right into dating." Cartman groaned "God what a jew.." He said rolling his eyes "What are you guys talking about?" Kenny asked "The dare I gave him Sunday."  "Oh right. Dude, you aren't actually doing it are you?" Kenny asked "Of course I am, it's a fucking dare, I have to!" "Or what?" He asked crossing his arms "Or else I'll reveal one of his secrets about him, I don't know." He said with a shrug, taking a sip of his water "What?! No way! That wasn't part of the-" "Shut up. This challenge doesn't start until you two are boyfriend and boyfriend so you better get your motherfucking shit together otherwise there is a lot more on the line other than you and Kahls bro-ship" Cartman said grabbing my shirt before quickly letting go.

Kyle soon returned, more content "Hey guys, what'd I miss?"

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