Chapter Fifteen 💖

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Friday, April 11th
Stan's POV
846 Words
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I looked over at Kyle as we drove to Kenny's apartment. He lived near a random carnival that was popping into town so we figured we'd all go.

"Listen... Please stay away from Cartman." Kyle said glancing at me "Why?" He sighed "Just- just because." I sighed "Alright."

We soon arrived at Kenny's apartment building. He was already waiting outside along with Karen, Butters, and Cartman. We walked over to him and I grabbed Kyle's hand. Gotta get this task over and done with... Standing in front of them, instead of giving me that condescending evil look he usually did, Cartman instead glared at Kyle. He had plans and I did not like that. We all soon started walking to the carnival. I held Kyle's hand the entire time, and at some point, he even laid his head on my shoulder whilst we walked.

It did feel nice knowing he was right there the whole time. I smiled looking down at him, and he smiled back at me. We soon arrived at the Carnival, and soon after getting tickets, we all split up for the most part. I don't know if Kyle noticed but Cartman was following us. I looked down at him "You wanna go on a ride hun?" He nodded "Sure, just nothing that goes upside down because I have motion sickness and it gets really bad when I go upside down." I nodded "How about the tea cups?" Kyle chuckled a bit "Alright."

After a fun-filled day at the place, we went on one last ride together me and Kyle. The Ferris wheel. I figured there wasn't a better place to go. I looked at him as we started to ascend. It was already dark and the lights on the rides looked beautiful. A whole overlook. Everything was beautiful.

I looked at him once more "Stan?" "Yeah?" He sighed, smiling at me "What would I do without you, Stan?" He asked happily, taking my hands. "I dunno, maybe die of loneliness?" I suggested making him laugh "Yeah right!" "Oh, so all those sleepovers weren't fun enough for you?" I asked laughing "Shut up,  you know they were." He said with a slight chuckle before sighing "Off topic but... I've actually been thinking about dropping out of college." He said looking down. My stomach dropped a bit "Woah... Really?" He nodded.

"It's becoming so much stress and I'm not getting a proper amount of sleep at all. My life feels like an emotional rollercoaster waiting to fly off the tracks... I just don't know if it's worth it anymore.." He sighed "I thought when I got older and moved out and started college everything would stop being so shitty but life goes on, and it likes to fuck with me. I had planned this out since I was 11- I thought everything would be so perfect and I'd be so happy." His eyes were watery.

"Even now, I have you, something I've wanted for such a long long time, and I'm still not satisfied, I'm still not happy.." a tear or two slithered down his cheek "Is that selfishness?" Holy shit.. is this what regret feels like...? I dried the tear with my thumb "Of course not. That's being human Kyle." He looked me in the eyes, smiling brighter than I'd ever seen him smile before "I love you so much, Stan Marsh." I felt my cheeks flush a little bit, my stomach doing a kickflip But why..?

"I love you too Kyle." He leaned close, pressing his lips softly against mine, rubbing my knee with his hand softly.

Our kiss was soon interrupted by the Ferris wheel stopping on the ground "Jesus- Get off you gay asses!" Cartman yelled from the exit. We stood up, embarrassed, and got off.

Walking over to the exit we both started to giggle a little bit, soon laughing. Taking his hand in mine, we walked over to Cartman and Kenny. Eventually, we stopped and Kyle kissed my cheek gently "We going home now guys?" He asked happily "Mhm." Kenny said "See you love birds later. Hah." He said as he walked off with Karen. Cartman stood in front of us, staring blankly at me before leaving to go after Kenny.

Me and Kyle made our way to the car. He drove home and when we got home we were beat. I looked at Kyle as he unlocked the door "How are you feeling?" He looked at me, opening the door "Better." He said taking my hand, smiling at me. He brought me inside, shutting the door behind him before jumping up into my arms, and making me carry him. I spun a bit, holding him in my arms. It just felt natural. Maybe I was enjoying this role as his boyfriend too much, but Cartman never said I couldn't enjoy myself.

I soon set him down, kissing his forehead "Wanna go cuddle and watch something for bed?" He asked "Ky, is that even a question, when have I said no?" He giggled "So yes?" I smiled.


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