Chapter Eleven 💖

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WEEK TWO | TW: a few slurs
Monday, March 31st
Stan's POV
1596 Words
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I let out a long sigh as I watched Kyle finish getting ready to go. He smiled, walking over to me "Stan hun I gotta go, I'll come home later at noon okay?" He said turning away. I nodded "Okay Ky." I said quietly "Stan, are you okay?" He asked turning back around.

I sighed "Yeah it's just.. Stuff.." It was getting to me, pretending to date him. It's Monday now, which means Cartman is going to have yet another ''Task'' for me. I can't imagine what it is this time..

"Oh, what is it, you can tell me?" He said with a smile on his face. That smile made me want to cry. He didn't suspect a thing. That only made me feel worse. "It's nothing.. Don't worry." I did my best to smile back, but I think he could tell it was fake. He sighed "Okay just-" He kissed my head softly, caressing my cheek with his hand "Tell me when you're comfortable.. Okay?" I nodded, putting my hand on his cheek, just keeping him close to my face. Kyle chuckled softly "Do you work tonight?" I shook my head "Good, I'll cuddle you tonight Stan, okay?" I nodded "I gotta go but-" He smiled, giving me a peck on the lips "I love you." My face reddened a bit, my chest pounding a little faster. I just wasn't expecting it.. I told myself.

A soft warm smile spread across my face "I love you too Ky." I told him softly. He smiled "There's a smile. I'm gonna go, Stan, see you later." I nodded "Yeah." I told him softly as I watched him leave. I then glanced out the window, noticing it was raining. I hummed contently, getting up and opening it so I could listen to it. I sat on the couch, listening to the rain as I just stared at the wall. That feeling..

I blushed, remembering how that quick kiss made me feel. I felt my heartbeat speed up a little as I thought of it.. It was nothing..!

I let out a soft yawn as I laid on the couch, letting the sounds of the rain take me. I shut my eyes. "Just a small nap.." I mumbled to myself softly, soon falling asleep...

"Stan!!!" The voice screamed, scaring me awake. I opened my eyes, quickly seeing Cartman and Kenny standing there "Ah! Jesus dude!" I said, sitting up.

Cartman huffed "Dude chill." "What time is it?" I asked, "It's almost noon." Kenny said looking "Shut up fag!" Cartman said to Kenny with a huff as he sat down. Kenny gave an annoyed look, going to sit at the table "Ready for this week's task?" Cartman asked, a smirk on his face. "No, but I don't have any fucking choice so what is it?"

He chuckled a bit "Keep up that attitude and I'll add more shit for you to do." I sighed "Fine, sorry.. What is it this week?"

He smirked "You need to tell everyone that you and Kyle are gay and dating. Including us and then also maybe a post or two on different social media." "What?!" I asked "You heard me, Marsh." I huffed "Seriously?! That's so-" Cartman shut me up by punching me, knocking me down onto the ground "Stop complaining or so help me god Stan I will kill the fucking Jew." He threatened. I slowly sat up, holding my head. My nose was bleeding and I would likely have a bruise now. I didn't think Cartman could punch so hard..

"Do you fucking understand fag?!" He asked grabbing my shirt, and pulling it so I'd look at him "Yes!" He dropped me, letting me fall to the floor "We'll be on our way then. Come on fuck face!" He snapped at Kenny. Kenny sighed, looking down "No.." He said quietly. I sat up a bit, looking over at them. Cartman turned around, looking pissed "What the fuck do you mean, no?" He asked, gritting his teeth.

"No. I don't want to go with you." He said looking at Cartman "You're just going to keep abusing me and demanding me to do shit." He said softly "I said let's FUCKING GO..!" He said pushing him to the ground, punching him repeatedly

I stood up "Cartman stop! You're going to kill him!" I then looked over at the door as it opened "Hey Stan I-" Cartman stopped mid-punch, looking over at Kyle "What the fuck is going on?" Kyle asked, "Cartman's being a lunatic!" Kenny mumbled. I gasped a bit, seeing some blood start to spill out from under him "Holy shit dude, Cartman get off him you're gonna fucking kill him!" "Who fucking cares!? He'll just come back!!" I gave him a confused look "What?" Kenny chuckled weakly "Cartman they don't fucking know.." Cartman rolled his eyes.

Kyle threw his stuff down "Cartman get the FUCK off of him or I'll cut your fucking dick off." "Awe Kahl, I'm flattered." Kyle huffed, grabbing him by the head and slamming his head into his knee, knocking him onto the ground "Holy shit.." I muttered, "Stan don't just fucking stand there, get my phone and call him an ambulance!" Kyle said lifting Kenny up and sitting him on the chair, checking for the bleeding spot "Fuck it's in his head.. Stan, first get me a towel quick." I nodded, grabbing a dark purple one and handing it to the other "Thank you." he said wrapping it around Kenny's head. "Can you call the ambulance now?" I nodded "Yeah." I grabbed the phone, calling 911.

It wasn't long till an ambulance showed up, taking Kenny to the hospital. We went in the car, followed it to the hospital, and waited for maybe 5 hours just to hear that he was okay but needed to be hospitalized overnight.

We then returned home, exhausted. Kyle let out a long sigh, shutting the door behind us "What even happened?" I sighed "Kenny said no to leaving and Cartman got pissed." He grabbed a mop, mopping up the small pool of blood from where Kenny was. "Sorry. Did you miss your last two classes?" I asked him. He sighed "Yeah, you think?" He asked with a huff.

"It's fine." He said simply. After finishing up the mopping of the blood he walked over to me, hugging me. He was shaking a little "I thought Kenny was going to die." He whispered softly.

"Me too.. It's okay, he's alright." I said hugging him close, rubbing his back gently "Can we just cuddle and go to sleep early?" He asked softly "Today's been.. A lot.." I nodded "Sure." "I'm gonna take a shower okay?" I nodded "We should eat though.. Do you want ramen?" He nodded "Okay, have a nice shower." He nodded, heading to the bathroom. I went into the kitchen, making us some ramen, finishing relatively quick. I then put it in bowls and hummed, getting an idea. I grabbed my laptop, put it in Kyle's room propped it up on a chair, and set a few things up. He poked his head out of the bathroom "Stan, can you grab my pajamas from my desk?" He asked "Sure." I grabbed them for him, handing them to him through the crack of the door. He soon came out, sighing.

I grabbed our bowls "Come here." I said going into his room. "Huh..?" He walked in, smiling softly "Oh Stan.." He said softly. I chuckled, setting the bowls down on his nightstand, sitting on his bed, and patting my lap "Come here." He chuckled, crawling over and sitting on my lap "You know, you're the best boyfriend I could ask for." He said sweetly. I chuckled, wrapping us up in blankets "Duh."

For an hour or so we sat like that, eating our food as we watched YouTube together. Eventually, we both finished eating, feeling tired after the long day. I shut my laptop and turned off the lights, Kyle already lying in bed waiting for me. We had slept like this ever since we started dating.  I thought it'd be weird but honestly, I'm starting to like it a little. I always sort of look forward to his cuddles now.

I smiled, crawling into bed and cuddling up to him, wrapping my arms around him as he did the same, nuzzling into my chest "What was your day like..?" I asked. He let out a long sigh "Crazy.. I was already kind of having a shit day because of that group project. I have to present it tomorrow by myself." He said with a long sigh "And then I got home and everything fucking happened-" He huffed "So fucking done with life right now.."

He got closer "At least I have you.." He said quietly. Him saying that made me feel buckets full of guilt. God, why am I doing this..?

"Yeah.." I muttered. He sighed "I love you, Stan." He said leaning up, giving me a peck on the lips. And there it was again. that stupid feeling from before. My heart was racing, my face getting hot. I don't understand, why was this happening??

"I uh.. Love you too." I said softly "Sorry, you're probably tired. Let's go to sleep."  I nodded, closing my eyes. I heard him fall asleep pretty fast, but my head raced and I didn't know what to think of this anymore.

I soon got tired and started to drift to sleep but one question still remained lingering in my mind:

Why am I doing this?

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