Chapter Twenty-one 💖

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Warning: A lil nsfw!
Sunday, April 20th
Stan's POV
1554 words
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I let out a soft yawn as I woke up. I smiled realizing Kyle was still here with me. I needed to enjoy these last few days with him. I cuddled closer to him. He was fast asleep, and I couldn't help but think of how cute he looked. My heart pounded inside of my chest and I think I was smiling more than I ever have. I don't care why right now, I was just enjoying his warmth and adorable face right now.

I watched him sleep for a while, smiling the whole time. At some point he woke up, opening his eyes slightly, smiling at me. He then turned into my chest and cuddled up "I love you." He mumbled out. "I love you too," I said softly. I put my hand in his hair, gently playing with it. I think he was loving it.

He giggled softly "I love you so much." he leaned up and kissed my cheek "I love you more." I told him "No way, I do." He said with a chuckle "Nuh uh." I said, "Who's liked you since we were kids?" I chuckled "Okay fine, you got me there." I kissed his forehead, making him giggle a little bit "Stan." "Hm?"

"You're the best boyfriend in the whole world." He told me softly. "I am..?" I asked, starting to feel a little bad "Yes. I love you more than I can express Stan." I looked down at him, with that big smile on his face. Why am I doing this to him? What did he do to deserve getting his heart broken by someone who he's loved for years? I started to tear up a little. Why am I doing this? Why did I agree to this? Why?

"Stan, are you okay?" I started crying a little "Stan, sweetie, what's wrong?" I sighed "Kyle I-" I stopped myself. I can't tell him. I can't. I sniffled "Kyle I'm sorry." He kissed my cheek "For what Stan?" I sighed "Everything." "What did you do Stan?" He asked "I-" He kissed my cheek softly "It's alright." He hugged me "I don't know why you're sorry but, I love you no matter what Stan.." I sniffled "Can you call me sweetie again?" I asked him, blushing "Yes I can but what's wrong sweetie?" I smiled, kissing his cheek "I'm sorry if I don't act as if I love you enough... I love you so much.."

He chuckled "Awe, Stan... I love you too sweetie." My stomach fluttered hearing that. I don't care how gay it made me, that nickname made my stomach do somersaults. He gently wiped away my tears and smiled, kissing my cheek. I then sighed softly, looking at him. "You wanna go in the living room and watch something?" He'd ask "Sure." I replied.

We both sat up, getting out of bed before walking to the couch. Kyle sat down and I laid down, laying my head in his lap. He giggled "Isn't that uncomfortable?" He'd ask "Eh, a little." He smiled, running his hand through my hair as he grabbed the remote and turned something on. I shut my eyes relaxing into his touch. I took in every aspect of this moment, enjoying it more than anything in my whole life. Honestly, I think I could've fallen asleep if laying like this wasn't so uncomfortable.

At some point, I got too uncomfortable and just sat up leaning on his shoulder, which hurt a little since Kyle was a bit shorter than me. Kyle chuckled, petting my hair softly. I closed my eyes again, leaning into his touch.

We silently watched TV for a moment or two before he just very randomly pushed me down and pinned me down. My face went red "Kyle..?" I asked confused. He chuckled "Sorry this is uh.." His face went red. He gently leaned down and laid on top of me "I just wanted to lay on your chest." He said awkwardly.

I chuckled "That's the weirdest way you could've done it, but honestly, it was pretty funny." He chuckled, moving up a bit more on top of me to look into my eyes "You're pretty funny LOOKIN-" He said with a chuckle "Yet somehow you love me." I said with a smirk. He huffed "Damn it.. You're lucky I love you." "Yes, I am." I smiled. He chuckled giving me a kiss. I put my hands on his face, kissing him back softly. At some point, I ended up pulling away and flipping us so he was now on the bottom.

He looked back up at me with a red face and a flustered look. I leaned back down, giving him a kiss. We held it for what felt like forever before pulling away and taking a big breath. This time I slipped my tongue in his mouth, leaning closer and making out with him.

He fought my tongue with his, but in the end, he gave up and I pulled away. He panted a bit, his face bright red. I smirked a bit, leaning down to his neck and kissing all over it. I heard him make slight noises, likely holding noises back. I then started to suck on one spot of his neck and he let out a soft yelp, surprised by the sudden action. I smirked slightly, continuing to move around to different spots on his neck doing the same thing. He shivered slightly at every touch my mouth made to his neck. He still had some hickeys left from the last time I did this, but at some point I think I felt him grow a boner as I was kissing and sucking on his neck, biting it occasionally.

That gave me an idea. Cartman wouldn't know the difference between him masturbating and us having sex... Right?

It's weird I know, but worth a shot. I just have to somehow record him doing it. I gently kissed his neck one more time before climbing off of him and getting up "Ky I just realized I forgot I have something for a co-worker and I was going to give it to them last night at work but I forgot so I'm going to go do that quick, alright?" Kyle let out a big breath "Y-yeah alright." He said still a bit out of breath. "I'm gonna uh... Shower." I nodded "Alright, I'm going to get ready." I said going to my room. I changed into something different before walking back out into the living room. Kyle had already gotten into the shower, I heard it running. Man, he's fast.

I walked over to the door "Have a nice shower Ky, I'll be back soon." I called to him "Mhm! Bye, Stan..!" He called back. I then walked over to the front door, unlocked it, opened it, and closed it, locking it again. I grabbed my shoes, quietly taking them to my room and stuffing them under my bed. I then grabbed my phone and walked over to Kyle's room quietly, hiding in his closet, ready to record. Of course, maybe he was already doing something in the shower. This might go wrong.

I sat in that crowded closet for at least 5 minutes before hearing him come in. I held my breath, looking through the slight cracks that gave me a slight view of what was going on out there...

(HELLO! I just want to give a warning! past this point is going to sort of have some NSFW, if you aren't comfortable with that, skip till you see this emoji: 🙀)

..I turned my phone back on as he walked in, sitting on his bed in his towel. I did my best not to stare but it was hard since I sort of needed to see what was going on.

"Damn it.." I heard him say.

"God Stan, why are you so hot..?" He'd ask himself, unwrapping his towel from his waist and looking down at his hard-on. He let out a big sigh "Let's just get this over with.." I said putting his hand on it, starting to rub it. The closet wasn't too far from the bed and I could hear the sounds pretty well so with that being said I recorded a bit of the audio of him jerking off. I figured it was good enough so I just sent it to Cartman.

I set my phone down and sat back. After a minute or two my phone vibrated, hopefully quiet enough for Kyle not to notice. I quickly turned it to silent, seeing Cartman had messaged back.

I frowned "Stan, I'm not stupid. You just recorded Kyle jacking off. Do you think this is some sort of joke?" He texted. I let out a quiet sigh. Fuck.

"Sorry no. I'll do it." I texted him "Yeah, you fucking better." he texted me back. I then looked up as I heard Kyle huff "This isn't getting me anywhere... God.."


I let out a shaky sigh, but I think I had done it too loud because Kyle wrapped the towel back around his waist and stood up, walking over to the closet. I held my breath. He hesitated slightly, but soon opened the door "Stan?! What the hell are you doing in my closet?"

"Fuck." I muttered out. How do I even justify this??

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