Episode 2: Rockin at the Pewter Gym

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Mew and her friends continue their journey to Vermilion City and then to Valencia Island to pick up the mysterious Pokeball from Professor Ivy. Mew and her friends continue to walk until they reach the next destination of their journey, Pewter City. Brock's home town.

"So Brock, we're almost to Pewter City. Are you excited to see your brothers and sisters again?" Mew asks.

"I am. It will be nice to see them again, and I do like to see how my dad is doing at the gym," Brock says.

Tomo says, "So Brock, Mew told me that you used to be the Pewter City Gym Leader?"

"That's right. I was actually the first gym that Mew battled. Mew and I battled hard, and she won the gym battle at the end," Brock says.

"Yeah. and it's also when Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl," Mew says.

"That sounds cool," Tomo says, interested.

Then asks, "Do you think I can battle in a Pokemon Gym someday?"

"I'm sure you can. You just need to wait two more years and you'll be able to get your first Pokemon, and your Pokedex," Misty says.

Tomo sighs, "That sounds like forever. I already got plenty of Pokemon."

"And since you live with Pokemon like Mew, you must know some of the Pokemon's moves," Misty says.

Then says, "But while on a Pokemon Journey, there is still a lot for you to learn about being a trainer."

"Okay," Tomo says.

Mew then ruffles Tomo's, "I'm sure you'll be a great trainer someday. And we can talk to the professor about you becoming a trainer too. I'm sure he'll let you go with no trouble."

"Yea!" Tomo says, excited.

Mew and her friends continue to make their way to Pewter City to get to the Pewter Gym. Unknown to them, Team Rocket is spying on them from the bushes close by.

"There they are," Jessie says.

"And the twerps said they're going to be at Pewter City," James says.

"Yeah. So we can use that to steal Pikachu, along with that Eevee, and the Pokemon from the Gym," Meowth says.

"But how do we plan on stealing the Pokemon without them noticing?" James questions.

Then Jessie has an idea, "I think I know how we can infiltrate the Gym."

Jessie soon makes a sinister look on her face.

Sometime later, Mew and her friends arrive at the Pewter City Gym. Brock opens the door and walks inside, Mew and the others follow after.

Inside the house, Brock calls out, "I'm home!"

Suddenly, all the siblings call out, "Hey, it's Brock!"

They all run to Brock and give their big brother a big hug.

Brock happily says to them by name, "Hi Forrest. Salvadore. Yolanda. Tommy. Cindy. Suzie, Timmy, Billy and Tilly. How are you all doing?"

"Fine," The siblings answer happily, and get in line.

"Hey guys, it's great to see you," Mew says.

"Hi Mew," Yolanda says.

"And you too, Misty," Tommy says.

"Hi Tommy," Misty says.

Soon, the twins walk to Tomo and say, "Hi."

"Hello. I'm Tomo," Tomo says.

Then Cindy asks, "So Brock, how have you been doing?"

"I'm doing fine, Cindy. How are things going at home?" Brock replies.

Pokemon Journeys Season 2: Mew's Adventue in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now