Episode 35: An Out of This World Experience

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Still sailing over the ocean blue, Mew and her friends continue their journey to the next island so Mew can compete for her fourth and final gym battle. So far, the ride across the sea is smooth sailing.

Jen asks, "So Mew, where do you think the next gym is?"

Mew looks at the map and answers, "According to the map, it seems that the next gym we need to go is at Kumquat Island, but it will take us a while longer to get there."

"And since it will be the last gym we need to go to, I imagine the Gym Leader would be tough," Misty says.

"You're right. And who knows what kind of challenge will have to face," Mew says.

Then Tracey says, "Maybe we can go find a place to rest and have some dinner."

"Yeah. I'm getting hungry," Tomo says.

Tracey looks at the map Mew is holding and says, "According to the Map, the closest island within our course to Kumquat Island is a place called Cosmic Island."

"Cosmic Island?" Misty asks.

"Yeah. I remember reading Cosmic Island. It's an island where they say you can find Pokemon that are rumored to come from space," Tracey says.

"Sounds amazing," Jen says.

"Bet we can find some cool Pokemon over there," Tomo says.

Just then, Pichu notices something and calls out, "Pichu Pichu! Pichu Pichu!" (Look over there! Look over there!)

Everyone turns to Pichu, and Pichu calls out again, "Pichu Pichu! Pichu Pichu!" (Look over there! Look over there!)

Everyone looks to where Pichu is pointing to see an island a short distance on the left side.

Mew looks at the map and says, "That must be Cosmic Island."

"It sure is. We can go over there and take a break," Tracey says.

"And get something to eat," Misty says.

"Then let's go," Mew says.

Then Mew says to Lapras, "Alright Lapras, we're going to make a detour for Cosmic Island."

Lapras happily lets out a cry and begins to swim towards Cosmic Island for their next adventure. Somewhere on Cosmic Island, in some cave, there is a strange light coming towards it. Inside the cave, revealing two glowing eyes. Little do Mew and her friends know, their next adventure is going to be out of this world.

Sometime later, Mew and the others arrive on Cosmic Island.

Mew calls back Lapras, "Lapras, return."

And Lapras returns to his Pokeball.

"So this is Cosmic Island," Mew says, turning to the island.

"It looks really peaceful," Misty says.

"And it looks pretty. There's even a big mountain in the center of the island," Jen says.

Soon, Tomo's stomach begins growling, along with Skwovet, Jen, and Amaura's stomachs. Mew and the others turn to the group and begin giggling.

"I guess we should have some dinner first," Misty says.

"Yeah. Let's go find somewhere to eat," Mew says.

"Yeah!" Tomo and Jen happily cheer.

The group of friends head out into the woods to find a good place to have their dinner. Unknown to the group, Team Rocket is spying on them again through the periscope of their submarine.

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