Episode 19: Meowth Rules

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One night, somewhere in the Orange Island, Jessie and James are trying to fix their submarine. Usually, they're in hot pursuit of Mew and her friends, but not this time around. Their Magikarp submarine is caught between some rocks as they try to fix some repairs to their submarine.

"Nothing ever seems to work out right for us, does it, Jessie?" James replies, fixing the submarine.

He sits up and says, " Or maybe I wasn't meant to be happy."

"Only spoiled little brats like you can afford to waste time thinking that way," Jessie says, frustrated.

Then points the wrench at James, "Haven't you ever heard of positive thinking? Try looking on the bright side for a change."

Suddenly, they hear Meowth say, "Ah, I am so happy."

The two become confused and look down to see Meowth is crying for joy for a pile of clams.

He holds the clam in tears and sas, "I'm gonna have free clams for dinner! I'm da happiest Meowth in da whole world!"

Jessie and James look at Meowth with confused looks.

"I'm all for positive thinking, but Meowth seems to be stretching the concept a little too far," Jessie says.

James then jumps down to Meowth, "Well, I'm very happy for you. "

He then grabs Meowth by his legs and holds him upside down.

He then shakes him by his legs, "Now why don't you learn Pay Day and make us happy with some money?"

"I'd love to make money, Jimmy, but I put so much energy into learning how to talk that I just can't learn Pay Day," Meowth explains.

"Oh, well," James says, and drops Meowth.

Jessie asks, "Didn't I just hear the sound of a coin?"

"I heard it, too! And it was coming from him!" Meowth says, pointing to James.

James begins to panic.

And then Jessie grabs James by his leg and spins him around as she shouts, "So, holding out on us, are you?! Cough it up!"

James screams, "No, stop! Let go! Please! Don't!"

Then something flies out from James' shirt and falls to the ground. Meowth walks over to see what it is.

Seeing the object, Meowth says, "Hey, this ain't a coin, it's some kind of bottle cap."

James pounces on the cap and cries out, "I couldn't live without my most very extra special favorite limited edition vintage bottle cap!"

"I guess he likes it," Jessie replies.

Soon, Jessie spots something, and points to the direction, "Look out there!"

James and Meowth look to where Jessie is pointing to, and it's Mew and her friends.

"It's them!" Meowth shouts.

"Pikachu, Eevee, and the twerps!" James says.

Then Meowth says, "Let's go get em!"

"Yeah!" Jessie and James cheer.

Meanwhile, out in the ocean, Mew and her friends are sailing on Lapras under the full moon.

Mew looks around, "See any place we can stay for the night, Trace?"

"No islands, just a bunch of rocks," Tracey says, looking through the binoculars.

Just then, Pikachu calls out, "Pika!" (Look there!) and points to the water.

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