Episode 39: Hello, Pummelo!

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Out on the ocean blue and riding on Lapras, Mew and her friends are sailing towards an island, which is their destination.

"Well, there's Pummelo Island," Tracey says.

"Yeah," Mew says.

"Eevee," (There it is.) Eevee says.

"Pikachu," (Almost there.) Pikachu says.

Now that Mew has earned four Orange League badges, Mew and her friends are heading for the Orange League for Mw to compete and win the winner's trophy.

Mew says with pride, "Nothing's gonna stop us now!"

"Pika. Pika/ Eevee Eevee" (Yeah!) Pikachu and Eevee say.

Then all the Pokemon sense something, and turn their heads.

"What's up guys?" Mew asks.

Mew and the other trainers look to see a figure flying along the sea.

"I wonder what that is," Jen wonders.

Tracey looks through his binoculars to get a better look as the figure starts flying upward at incredible speed.

Soon enough, Mew and the others dock at the port and they arrive at the reception desk to sign in for their Orange League challenge.

Mew says "Hi, I'm here to battle for the Orange League trophy."

"Another one, eh? Let me just verify your individual badges. The receptionist says.

Mew then shows the man her badges and he uses a machine to scan them, and the badges are verified. Soon, the badges and Mew's picture are on the screen.

"Well, now, it says here that you came all the way here from Pallet Town, Ms. Mew. Is that right?" The man replies.

"Yeah, Pallet is my home town," Mew says.

While Mew is checking at the desk, Tracey, Tomo, Jen, and the other Pokemon are looking at the Dragonite statue. Tracey is also sketching it.

"This statue sure looks familiar," Tracey says.

"Okay Mew, your winner trophy's match is set for tomorrow morning at ten o'clock sharp at Pummelo Stadium," The receptionist says.

"Thank you," Mew says.

Then asks, "Do you know where the stadium is?"

Soon, the receptionist leads the group to the stadium.

"Well, there it is. Pummelo Stadium. Where you will have your big battles tomorrow," The receptionist says.

"Wow. It's huge!" Mew says.

Then the group arrives at a green building next to the stadium.

"And this. This is the Palace of Victory," The receptionist says.

"Palace of Victory?" Mew asks.

"Well, that's the official name. But most folks know it now as the Orange League Hall of Fame," The man says.

As the group walks inside, Tracey notices the same Dragonite statue.

"Hey, look. That same statue," Tracey says.

Soon, everyone arrives inside to see so many different photographs, statues, and plates in the room.

"All these photos and displays and trophies are here to offer every trainer who's been victorious in the Orange League since the establishment of the winner's trophy," The receptionist explains.

"Ohh," Mew says, amazed.

Then the receptionist says, "To get into the hall, a trainer has to defeat the four members of the Orange Crew and the Pummelo gym leader in a full Pokémon battle."

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