Episode 13: Stage Fight!

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One bright sunny day, taking a small break from traveling, Mew and her friends have stopped at an Island that has a large white showboat at the docks. On the boat, there are a lot of people and Pokemon on it, and everyone is excited. Around the area, a clown and Mr. Mime are handing out posters.

The clown calls out, "Come one! Come all! To the Pokémon Show Boat!"

Mr. Mime happily says, "Mime. Mime Mime." as Chansey says, "Chansey!"

The clown continues, "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! This is positively your last chance to see this entertainment extravaganza before the show sails off.

"Sounds like fun, huh, guys?" Mew says.

"Pika!" (Sure does!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee!" (Sounds exciting!) Eevee says.

"I've heard about these show boats, but I've never been on one," Tracey says.

Then Misty asks, "Why don't we go, guys?"

"Okay! Let's go!" Mew says.

With that, Mew and her friends attend the show.

When the shoe starts, the spotlight shines down on Hitmonchan, and it's breathing heavily like a human.

Soon, Hitmonchan begins to speak like a human man, "I can't walk away! I've got to stand right here and fight! Or I'd. I'd never forgive myself!"

A Clefable who is in tears and out of the ring that Hitmonchan is revealed to be in.

Clefable begins to talk in sadness, "No matter what happens, I'll, be right here."

On the other ring is a Machoke, wearing blue boxing gloves.

Machoke speaks as well, "You better get ready to lose, 'cause I'm gonna be the champion."

Soon, the bell rings and the Pokemon charge for the attack. Machoke throws the first attack with a right while Hitmonchan throws a left.

Then Hitmonchan calls out, "Pulse Counter Punch!"

With that, they both strike the attack at each other's cheek, but Machoke is the one who falls over in the matter of seconds.

Then Machoke says, "I lost!" and falls over.

Just then, Abra comes into the ring and starts counting to ten, "One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!" With that, Abra announces, "Hitmonchan is the winner!"

"Hoorah!" Hitmonchan cheers, raising his fist.

Clefable climbs into the ring and rushes towards Hitmonchan, "Hitmonchan!"

"Victory!" Hitmonchan cheers.

The two Pokemon run and give each other a hug.

Clefable happily says in tears, "Congratulations, darling!"

"I owe it all to you, my love," Hitmonchan says.

Soon, it shows the audience watching the show, which means the fight is all part of the show for the Pokemon Show Boat.

Soon, the narrator says over the speakers, "And so, Hitmonchan defeated his rival, Machoke."

Everyone in the audience applauds. Even Mew and her friends on the stage

"Way to go, Hitmonchan!" Mew cheers.

"Great acting," Tracey says.

"I love Clefable," Misty says.

"That was cool," Tomo says.

Unknown to Misty and the others, Togpei and Pichu hop off of Misty's lap and both run off.

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