Episode 29: The Prehistoric Pokemon Girls

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Still sailing on Lapras along the ocean blue, Mew and her friends continue to explore through the Orange Island. However, some of them are not doing so well being out at sea for so long. Plus, the sun is already beginning to set so it's starting to get pretty late. They know that they need to find an island soon.

Tomo lets out a groan and lies down, "I don't feel so good."

"I don't feel too good about myself. I may be a water Pokemon trainer, but I'm starting to get a bit seasick myself," Misty says.

Togepi and Pichu also rub their tummies as they begin to growl.

"I think Togepi and Pichu are getting hungry," Mew says.

Then takes out a small bag and looks inside. She then takes out one oran berry.

"Unfortunately, this is the only berry I have," Mew says.

She then splits the berry in half and gives the pieces to the little ones. Then they begin to eat it.

"We should find an island soon. We're running low on supplies," Tracey says.

"Including our food supplies," Mew adds.

"And some of us are starting to get tired of the sea," Misty says.

Then Tomo says, "And it's going to be dark soon."

Meloetta then pets Tomo's forehead.

Just then Skwovet calls out, "Skwovet Skwovet! Skwov Skwov Skwovet!" (Look there! There's an island ahead!)

"An island?" Tomo asks, sitting up.

Tomo looks to where Skwovet is looking and sees an island a short distance away in front of them.

"It is an island. We can go there for supplies," Tracey says.

"And we can get some rest from being out at sea for so long," Mew says.

Then turns to Lapras, "Okay Lapras, sail to that island so we can get some rest."

Lapras agrees and so sail to the island so everyone can get some rest, including himself.

Sometime later, Mew and her friends are on the beach of the island.

Mew calls back Lapras, "Lapras, return." And lapras returns to his Pokeball.

Mew and the others look at the island to see so many fruit trees and bushes with different kinds of fruits and other kinds of food.

"Wow. There are so many different fruit trees and berries," Misty says.

"And I think I see a few herbs and other healing berries. This should be more than enough for a few supplies," Mew says.

Then Tomo along with Meloetta and Skwovet's stomachs begin growling.

"I'm starting to get hungry," Tomo says.

Meloetta and Skwovet feel the same.

"We'll grab some berries so you can eat while we get some berries and herbs," Mew says.

"Okay," Tomo says.

Mew then picks some berries and fruits and puts them in a pile for Tomo and the Pokemon to eat. Misty decides to eat with them, so she can keep an eye on them. Mew and Tracey pick some berries like Oran Berries, Pecha Berries, Drash Berries, Chesto Berries, Aspear Berries and other berries that are good for healing. Even some of the berries and fruits for some food supplies.

Picking some berries from the bushes, Tracey says, "There are a lot of berries and herbs here. There should be more than enough to last us for a while."

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