Episode 21: The Buzz on Misty

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On a bright sunny day, Mew and her friends are still sailing over the ocean blue on Lapras. The day seems very relaxing. Misty is playing with Togepi. Tracey is looking around with his binoculars. Mew along with Pikachu and Eevee are relaxing. Tomo, Meloetta, and Skwovet are looking at Mew's Pokedex, which Mew allows him to use. The sea is calm, the sun is shiny, the cool breeze blows at them and the day feels great. Suddenly, they begin to hear the sound of thunder, and lightning. The group stops their relaxation to see dark storm clouds rolling with thunder and lightning in it. Piakchu and Pichu soon have electric sparks coming from their cheeks.

"It looks like there's a storm," Tracey says.

"And a really big one," Mew says.

"I don't like the look of that storm," Misty says.

She then puts Togepi and Pichu into their backpacks, "You both better stay inside."

Togepi and Pichu agree and hide in their backpack.

Mew opens her bag as well, "You two better get inside too."

Pikachu and Eevee hurry inside the backpack. Meloetta and Skwovet quickly hide inside Tomo's backpack as well, and Tomo quickly closes it for them to be safe.

Mew says to the others, "Hang on, everybody"

It doesn't take long for Lapras to end up swimming into the storm. Mew and her friends hold on to Lapras as the waves become very rough. The sky becomes dark and thunder and lightning flash in the sky. The waves become very rough and grow bigger. Lapras struggles and continues to swim across the rough sea in order to find land, but the waves are too much for him. Just then, the group begins to panic to see a giant wave in front of them. The group scream in fright and the waves crash down on them.

Moments later, Lapras rises up, and Tracey and Mew cough out the water from their mouths.

"The storm is getting too much!" Tracey says.

"We need to get out of the storm before..." Mew says.

But hears Misty crying out, "Help!"

Mew and Tracye turn their heads and become shocked to see Tomo and Misty are gone.

"Misty! Tomo!" Mew exclaims in shock.

"They're gone!" Tracey says, shocked.

Just then, they hear Tomo call out, "Help! Mew!"

Mew and Tracye turn their heads to see Misty and Tomo are being pushed back by the waves.

"Tomo!" Mew calls out.

Tracey calls out, "Misty!"

With that, the waves push them back and away from Misty.

"There's no way we can reach them with the storm!" Tracey calls out.

"Yeah. I don't think Lapras can hold up any longer!" Mew says.

All Mew, Tracey, and Lapras can do is try to swim their way across the sea.

Meanwhile, Misty and Tomo struggle to stay on the surface, Misty quickly brings out her Pokeball and calls out, Goldeen and Staryu to help keep themselves a float. Misty hangs on to Staryu while Tomo is hanging on to Goldeen.

Misty asks, "Are you okay, Tomo?"

"I'm okay, but what about Mew and Tracey?" Tomo asks, coughing out water.

"We can't get to them with the storm. It will be too much for Staryu and Goldeen," Misty says.

Just then, the waves continue to push them back and farther away from Mew, Tomo, and Lapras who are being pushed back in the opposite direction.

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