Pokemon Movie 2000: The Power of One Part 2

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Meanwhile, at the Shamouti banquet hall, Carol and the others watch the news about strange weather occurrences all over the world.

The reporter announces, "Experts now believe that the weather disasters occurring in all parts of the globe are due to a powerful and previously unknown phenomenon from deep beneath the surface of the ocean."

Then the screen shows a computer simulation of the islands, "This is a simulation of the underwater river that has snaked its way around the planet. Disrupting ocean currents, weather patterns and the entire global climate."

As it turns out, the islanders of Shamouti aren't the only ones watching the news.

Back in Pallet Town, Professor Oak, Adriana, and Zeraora are watching as well.

"I wonder if this is what's been upsetting all the Pokémon," The Pokemon says.

Just then, a powerful winter wind breaks one of the windows, catching their attention.

The report continues, "The source of this disturbance appears to be centered at the north central region of the Orange Islands."

"The Orange Islands?!" Professor Oak says, shocked.

"But, that's where Mew and her friends are right now," Adriana says, concerned.

Soon, Professor Oak is getting a call on the video screen.

"Someone's calling," Professor Oak says, and answers.

Soon, Professor Ivy answers and says, "Professor, we're having problems!"

"What is it, Professor Ivy?" Professor Oak asks

"The Pokémon here are behaving very strangely, " Professor Ivy explains.

In the background, Brock is struggling to keep the Pokemon calm.

Meanwhile, on the ocean of the Orange Island, the storm clears.

"It looks like the storm's over!" Mew says.

"But the sea keeps getting rougher!" Maren says.

Rougher is right, the sea begins pushing and shoving the boat around, and sends it airborne. Then the boat goes through a bunch of rocks, narrowly misses them. Then the boat is

Maren quickly notices, "The rudder!"

"Pikachu!" (Up ahead!) Pikachu calls out.

Then Meloetta cries out, "Loett!" (Incoming!)

Amaura screams "AMAURA!" (HANG ON!)

Soon, the wave carries the boat all the way to the island, high and the hard way. Then the boat crashes onto the island grounds. Everyone hangs on as the boat crashes on the island. The group soon looks up to see that they've arrived on Fire Island, and with their boat beach, they're also stranded.

"Well, at least we made it. But..." Maren says.

But then Pikachu calls out, "Pikachu!" (Hurry, this way!)

"Eevee!" (Follow us!) Eevee adds.

Then the two dash off. Meloetta and Skwovet rush along with th,

"Pikachu! Eevee! Skwovet! Meloetta! Amaura! Where are you going?" Mew calls out and runs after them.

"Wait for us!" Tomo calls out and follows them. Jen follows as well.

Maren calls out, "Mew, we shouldn't split up! The storm might pick up again!"

"Our Pokemon have been acting really weird! We gotta find out why!" Mew says.

Tomo and Mew see the Pokemon climb up the stairs so Mew, Tomo, and Jen follow after them, leaving Maren alone on her boat.

Pokemon Journeys Season 2: Mew's Adventue in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now