Episode 20: Tracey Gets Bugged

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One day, Mew and her friends are stopping at an island known as Murcott Island. It looks very peaceful, but looks can be deceiving. On the shore, Mew and her friends are at the beach and off the island.

"Thanks for the ride, Lapras," Mew says, and calls Lapras back into his Pokeball.

"Okay, Venonat and Marill, go!" Tracey says, and calls out his Pokemon.

"You really seem psyched, Tracey," Mew says.

"I've been waiting to visit this island for a long time. I can't believe we're here!" Tracey says.

Suddenly, the group hears buzzing sounds. Misty turns her head, lets out a yelp, and Ducks her head. Then a Beedrill flies past them.

Tracey asks, "What's that matter?"

"That was a Beedrill," Misty answers with fright, pointing to the Beedrill flying away.

"And a big one!" Misty adds.

"That was one of the reasons I'm so happy to finally be here, Misty," Tracey says.

"What?" Misty asks, shocked.

"Not just some Beedrill, Jun. Murcott Island's famous for having tons of bug element Pokémon," Tracey says.

"Sounds cool," Tracey says.

"You going to be okay, Misty?" Mew asks.

Misty quickly stands up, "I'll be alright, the Beedrill caught me by surprise and you know it's best to be uneasy around them."

"Are you okay, Misty?" Tracey asks.

"I'm okay. The Beedrill scared me a bit," Misty says.

"On the bright side, you were a lot better than before, but that Beedrill is pretty big," Mew says.

"What are you talking about?" Tracey asks.

Mew nervously giggles, "Well, back when Misty and I traveled in Kanto, Misty showed strong fear of Bug Pokemon, but she is getting a lot better cause she has some Big Pokemon on her own. But I guess some Big Pokemon still spook her like Beedrill."

"And for good reason," Tomo says.

Tracey then turns to Misty, "Well, it's good that you were able to face your fears."

"Thanks," Misty says.

"Don't worry Misty, as long as you stick with us, we won't have many problems. Besides, as long as we don't bother the Pokemon much, we'll be okay," Mew says.

Misty nods her head in reply.

And with that, Mew and her friends are walking in the forest to find any interesting Bug Type Pokemon. Marill and Venonat are leading the way, until they detect something.

"Did they find something?" Mew asks.

"Yeah, seems like it," Tracey says.

"What kind of something?" Misty asks.

"Is it a Pokemon?" Tomo wonders.

"I'll take a look," Tracey says and gets out his binoculars.

He looks around and spots a bunch of Caterpoe, "Wow! A Caterpie swarm."

"Aww, they look cute, and living peacefully," Mew says.

"You're right. They look very happy," Misty says.

"Kind of reminds me of when I first got mine," Mew says.

Just then, Tomo calls out, "Go Pokeball!"

Tomo then throws a Pokeball and hit one of the Caterpie and it goes inside. The Pokeball shakes a bit, and ping, Caterpie's been caught.

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