Episode 38: The Stun Spore Detour

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After some traveling, the gang stops at a tiny island so Mew can practice and prepare for the long-awaited Orange League competition. Mew along with Pikachu and Eevee are on a rock looking out to the ocean as the wave crashes before them

"We're really on a hot streak, guys! We're so hot, we're on fire!" Mew announces.

"Pikachu!" (Burning up!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee!" (We're burning hot!) Eevee says.

Just then, a giant wave crashes down on them, getting them soaked.

Meanwhile, Tracey is taking a look at a large Vileplume.

"I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful Vileplume. These petals are humongous!" Tracey says.

Meanwhile, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee are walking to Tracey.

"At least we got cooled off," Mew says.

Then notices Tracey and calls out, "Hey, Tracey! Do you think you can help me with my training now?! I'm kinda getting off to a rocky start."

Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Mew! Tracey!"

"Huh?" Mew replies, and turns to see Tomo and Jen running towards them. Along with their Pokemon.

As they get closer, Tomo ends up tripping on a rock and stumbles over. He then collides with Mew and Tracey and all three fall into the Vileplume's head.

Jen panics, "Tomo! Tracey! Mew!"

Vileplume begins to panic and is freaking out. Then in desperation, Vileplume sprays Stun Spore into their faces.

This causes the group to panic.

Meloetta panics, "Loett!" (Oh no!)

"Pi Pika!" (We need help!) Pikachu panics and runs off.

Eevee follows after him.

Meanwhile, Misty is walking with Togpei, Pichu and Psyduck. That's when Pikachu and Eevee rush out of the bushes in a frantic state.

Misty notices them and calls out, "Oh, Hi Pikachu! Hi Eevee! I thought you and Mew were gonna go down to the beach to do a little training."

Seeing Misty, Pikachu panics and explains, "Pikachu Pika Pika Pi! (Tomo tripped and he, Mew, and Tracey got stuck in a Vileplume's head!)

"Eevee Eevee Vee Eevee!" (And the Vileplume spray Stun Spore at them!)

Confused, Mew asks, "Did something happen to Mew?"

That's when Mew, Tracey, and Tomo show up, paralyzed by the Stun Spore.

Mew panics, "It, got us."

Then the three collapsed on the floor. Then Jen and the other Pokemon rush over.

"What got you?" Misty asks.

"We both fell into a Vileplume's head," Tracey says, looking pale.

Misty gasps, "You breathed in Stun Spore!"

"Can't move," Tomo says, still stunned.

"Oh no," Misty says, worried.

After the incident, Misty, Jen, and the Pokemon are in the cabin they're staying in as Mew, Tomo, and Tracey are lying in their sleeping bags. Misty and Jen search in their backpack for a paralyzing antidote.

However, Misty has bad news, "Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't have any more Stun Spore antidote."

Then Jen brings out bandages, "All we have is a bunch of Band-Aids."

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