Episode 14: Bye Bye Psyduck

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Today, after traveling across the Orange Islands, Mew and her friends decide to take a break for a little rest and relaxation. Misty is splashing in the water with some of her Water Pokemon. Pikachu and Eevee, Meloetta and Skwovet. Togepi, Pichu, Golduck, and Psyduck, are riding on Lapras' back. Tracey and Tomo are relaxing in the sand. Mew is giving the mysterious GS ball a little polish.

Out in the water, Pikachu and the other Pokemon are having fun while Psyduck is sleeping on Laras' back and Golduck sits beside him. Suddenly, Psyduck slips into the water. Lapras ends up swimming away without realizing it. Psyduck continues to sleep while floating on the water, until he rolls over and sinks. Golduck jumps off and swims after him.

Moments later, the Pokemon begin to freak out, realizing that both Psyduck and Golduck are gone, and everyone begins to notice.

Tracey sits up and wonders, "What's going on?"

Then everyone rushes over.

"What's the matter, guys?" Mew asks.

When they arrive, Tracey notices, "Seems like something's missing, doesn't it?

"You're right, Tracey," Mew says.

Misty is the first to realize, "Oh no! My Psyduck and Golduck are gone!"

Meanwhile, there is a young girl with long blue, purple eyes, with a pink outfit in a boat fishing. She is with a Tentacruel who is swimming beside her.

The girl says, "It's awfully quiet today."

Just then, something begins to come up to the surface near the boat and the girl's tentacruel. The first is Psyduck who is in a panic because he can't really swim well. Luckily he is saved by Goldduck, much to his relief. The girl is confused by what she has witnessed.

Meanwhile, Mew and her friends have sent their Water Pokemon to search for Psyduck. So far, no luck.

Misty asks, "No sign of Psyduck? Or Golduck?"

The Pokemon answers. Misty and the Pokemon are worried.

"Don't feel bad, you all did the best you could," Mew says, and gets Lapras's Pokeball, "Lapras, take a rest!"

Then recalls Lapras to his Pokeball.

"I'm sure Psyduck and Goldduck are okay. They couldn't have gone too far," Mew says.

"But where could Psyduck and Golduck have gone off to?" Tomo wonders.

Suddenly, they hear a girl's voice, "Excuse me."

The group turns to see the young girl who's been fishing earlier.

The girl says, "You wouldn't be looking for this, would you?"

Then Tentacruel swims in with Psyduck in one of its tentacles while Golduck is on Tentacruel's head.

Everyone becomes shocked.

Misty speaks up, "Psyduck! Golduck!"

Everyone soon begins to notice that Psyduck's tail is glowing pink.

Later, the girl brings the two Pokemon to shore. Psyduck and Golduck are glad to be with Misty. Soon, the group are getting acquainted with each other.

Misty says to the girl, "Thanks a lot for finding Psyduck for me. These are my friends, Mew, Tracey, and Tomo. My name's Misty.

Then the girl introduces herself, "My name's Marina."

Then Marina kneels down to see Psyduck's pink tail.

Then says to Misty, "I'm not sure, but from the way its tail is glowing, I'd say your Psyduck's getting ready to evolve."

"Evolve?" Mew says, sounding unsure.

Pokemon Journeys Season 2: Mew's Adventue in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now