Pokemon Shorts 2: Pikachu and Eevee's Rescue Adventure

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On a bright and sunny day, Mew and all her friends are sitting at the kill top, having a nice relaxing break after traveling for so long.

Mew lets out a yawn, "I sure could use a rest."

"So could I," Misty says.

"Pika," (Me too!) Pikachu replies.

"Me too," Jen says.

"Yeah. We've been traveling for a while," Tomo says.

Then Tracey asks, "Why don't we take a break?

Soon, everyone is now taking a nap under the tree, even the Pokemon: There are Venonat, Marril, Smeargle, Stufful, Meloetta, Skwovet, Tyrunt, Amaura, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Eevee, Togpei, Pichu, and Psyduck. All of them are sleeping happily. Just then, Togepi wakes up, and looks up in the sky to see a swarm of Ledyba flying over. Togepi then walks out from under the tree to get a close look. Togpei begins to lean back as he sees them flying past overhead, but he loses his balance and begins to roll down the hill as he lets out a cry. The cry soon wakes up the other Pokemon.

Pikachu notices, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!)

Eevee notices where Togepi is rolling down and cries out, "Eevee!" (He rolls!) Seeing Togepi rolling away, the other Pokemon rush after him.

Meanwhile, Meowth is wandering around the forest, with a backpack on his back.

Meowth sighs in exhaustion, "I'll never find my way."

Then Meowth hears something and looks up. Heading towards him, is Togepi rolling down really fast. At the speed he's going. Togepi hits Meowth right in the face. Soon, both Meowth and Togepi fall down the hill, and towards the Diglett and Dugtrio, and quickly duck into their holes. Soon, Togepi and Meowth both fall down a hole in an old stump. Soon, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others catch up and wonder if this is where Togepi has fallen.

Marill calls out, "Marill Marill! Marill Marill!" (Togepi! Can you hear me?! Say something if you can hear me!")

Pichu calls out, "Pichu Pichu Pichu! Pichu!" (Togepi, can you hear me?! Togepi!)

All the Pokemon call out to Togepi, suddenly, they all hear. Psyduck's screaming. They all turn around to see Psyduck running down the hill at a tremendous rate. Soon, Psyduck crashes into the group of Pokemon, and sends them all falling down the hole in the stump.


If you're tumbling down

And your spirits fall

Helps on the way

We hear your call (hear your call)

On a mission we're united as one

Friends forever yeah

Here we come

Pikachu, Eevee, and all the other Pokemon fall down the hole of the old stump which seems like a tunnel or a very bumpy underground slide.


In no time we'll be at your side

We're a team on a roller coaster ride

Each one of us knows just what to do

Never gonna stop

Gonna stop

Searching for you

Oh for you

Be there listen to me

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