Episode 24: Wherefore Art, Thou, Pokemon?

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After meeting and having fresh new lessons from Lorelei, Mew and her friends find themselve passing a quaint little village as they head to the next Orange League gym. They soon walk into town to see a few people on the streat.

"This sure is a quiet little place," Trace says.

"Yeah. Kinda looks like it's from a history book," Mew says.

"You're right. Just like merry old England," Misty says.

"Yeah. I wonder if they had Pokémon Centers back in olden times," Tomo replies.

Suddenly, they hear someone calling out, "Maria!"

The group stops to see a little girl running in their direction.

The little girl continues to call out, "Maria! Maria! Oh, where are you?"

The little girl has blonde hair in pigtails tied by green ribbons. She is wearing a light pink blouse with pink flowers on it, and a hot pink dress, wearing white knee high socks and pink mary janes.

Seeing Mew and her friends, the little girl asks, "Oh. Excuse me, but maybe you can help me. Have you seen my little Maria?"

"Who's little Maria?" Eve asks.

Hearing that the girl realizes, "Sorry. You're strangers here. Maria's my Pokémon. A Nidoran."

"Nidoran?" Misty says, confused

"Yes," The girl says.

Then begins to explain Maria's description, "My Maria's this big and she's a really pretty blue color. And she's got long ears and bright eyes and the cutest little buck teeth. She's smart and strong and... Oh, Maria is the best Nidoran in the whole wide world!"

"Blue color, long ears, and buck teeth. That would mean your Nidoran is a girl," Mew says, and brings out her Pokedex.

Then shows her the picture of the Nidoran as description,

Dexter saus, "Nidoran female, the Poison Pin Pokémon. A Poison Type. Its Poison Sting is quite powerful for its size, but its horn is smaller than the male's.

"That's right, my Nidoran is a girl," The girl says.

"Do you know why she's missing?" Mew asks.

"Oh, Maria's been running away a lot lately and I just hope I can find her," The girl says.

"Don't you worry. With us helping, you'll find you're Nidoran," Mew says.

Then asks, "Is there anything else you can tell me about Maria? Something to separate her from another female Nidoran."

"Oh right, she has a bright orange ribbon around her neck," The girl says.

"Got it. We'll see if we can find her," Mew says

Soon enough, the group begins searching all over the park for Maria the Nidoran.

Mew calls out, "Maria! Where are you?!"

"Toge togeprrrriii," (Maria!) Togepi calls out.

Pichu calls out, "Pichu!" (Maria!)

"Maria!" Misty calls out.

Pikachu calls out, "Pikachu!" (Maria!)

"Eevee!" (Maria!) Eevee calls out!

Mew looks in the grass, "Maria!"

The little girl calls out, "Maria!"

"Where are you, Maria?! Come on out!" Tracey calls out.

"Maraia!" Tomo calls out.

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