Episode 32: Ceremony of Legends

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Early one morning, Mew and her friends are still making their journey through the Orange Island and find the next gym for Mew to earn her last badge. Since it's early in the morning and the waves are calm, Mew and the others are actually sleeping on Lapras shell as Lapas is cruising along the ocean blue. Soon enough, all the trainers begin to wake up from their sleep. Many of them stretch their arms as they yawn, and some also rub their eyes.

"Good morning everyone," Mew says.

"Morning," Misty says.

Tomo yawns and says, "Yeah. Morning."

"Morning guys," Tracey says.

Then everyone ends up saying, "Morning." in a tired tone.

"I can't believe we've been out in the ocean all night," Misty says, tired.

"I know, we haven't been able to find any land for the past two days," Mew says.

Then Jen says, "And I'm kind of hungry."

"Amaura," (Me too.) Amaura says.

"I'm sure we'll find land soon," Mew says.

"I hope we do," Tomo says.

Tracey brings out his binoculars, "I'm sure we'll find some place to rest soon."

"Yeah. Lapras is starting to get tired," Mew says as she gently pet Lapras.

Indeed, Lapras is looking very tired and it shows signs that he has a lack of sleep.

"She's right. Lapras need to get some rest," Misty says.

"Maybe we can use some of our other Water Pokemon so Lapras can rest," Tomo says.

"Good idea," Mew says.

Tracey continues to look through his binoculars until he notices something from a far.

"Hey guys, I think I spotted something," Tracey says.

"What is it, Tracey?" Jen asks.

"I think I found an Island," Tracey answers.

This makes Misty glad, "Really, an Island?"

"I think so," Tracey says.

Misty then takes the binoculars and looks to see a far distance area.

"Hmm, it's kind of hard to tell from far away," Misty says.

"Maybe we can go check it out?" Jen asks.

"Couldn't hurt," Mew says.

Then Mew turns to Lapras, "Hey Lapras, do you think you can travel in that direction?"

Lapras nods his head and begins to travel towards the island. Unknown to the group, a periscope rises from the water and is spying on Mew and her friends. The periscope belongs to Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine. In other words, Team Rocket is spying and following Mew and the others once again.

Jessie says, "I spotted the twerps." and lets out a yawn.

James yawns as well, "Jessie, can't we take a break? We've been following the twerps since yesterday. I'm really tired."

"I could really use a cat nap," Meowth says, and lets out a big yawn.

"Look I know we've not gotten any sleep, but we gotta capture the twerp's Pikachu and Eevee, and bring them to the boss." Jessie says, irritated.

"And they have't been able to find a place to rest either," Meowth says.

But Jessie says, "Don't be too sure."

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