Episode 17: Snack Attack

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After earning the Sea-Ruby Badge on Navel Island, Mew is a step closer to participating in the Orange League. As of now, Mew and her friends continue riding on Lapras on the ocean blue, searching for a new Island adventure.

Just then, Pikachu notices something and calls out, "Pikachu!" (Guys! Look ahead!)

Everyone hears Pikachu and looks to see an island.

Tomo calls out, "Hey, look!"

Then Tracey says, "Oh yeah! We're coming up on what they call the Seven Grapefruit Islands."

"Grapefruit Islands?" Misty says.

"Yeah, all the Islands are supposed to be covered with grapefruit groves. Come to think of it, the grapefruits should be getting ripe right about now," Tracey explains.

"Why don't we stop an' check 'em out?" Mew suggests.

Misty agrees, "Let's go!"

"Yeah. Let's go," Tomo says.

Mew then turns to Lapras, "Lapras, full speed to the Grapefruit Islands!"

Lapras happily squeals, "To Grapefruit Islands!"

And with that, Lapras sails the group to Grapefruit Island.

In no time, Mew and her friends reach Grapefruit Island, and soon find a lot of fruits on the trees.

"Wow, just look at the size of them! They're humongous!" Mew says, amazed.

She then reaches to the tree and picks one of the fruits.

"They look delicious!" Misty says.

Togepi happily says, "Toki, toki toki..." (Very, very yummy...)

"Pichu!" (Yummy!) Pichu happily says.

Suddenly, they hear someone calling out, "Stop! Stop thieves!"

They turn their heads to see a young woman with dark green hair and a pink outfit charging towards them with a stick in her hand.

"Did she say, thieves?" Misty wonders.

"That's terrible!" Tracey says.

"Well, I hope she catches 'em," Tomo replies.

Then Mew wonders, "And why is she running toward us?"

Soon, the woman charges at them and calls out, "I caught you red-handed!"

This shocks the group as the girl tries to attack Mew with a stick. Surprisingly, she is able to grab it with her bare hand, shocking the woman. Both females hold opposite sides of the sticks, not giving an inch.

The woman continues, "So, you thought you could get away with it? You thought you could just sneak in here and steal all our grapefruit?! After we worked so hard to grow it?!"

But Misty calls out, "We didn't come here to steal anything!"

"We're not grapefruit thieves! Honest!" Tracey calls out.

"No lie!" Tomo calls out.

"They're right. We just got here!" Mew adds.

The woman becomes confused, "Huh?"

Soon, Mew and the others clear the misunderstanding with the young girl.

"I'm sorry I acted that way, but lately, somebody's been coming into our groves and stealing our grapefruit," The girl says.

"I thought they grew by themselves," Tomo replies.

"Toki! Pichu!" (Me too!) Pichu and Togepi reply.

"Yeah, we didn't know the grapefruit belonged to somebody. We should have asked before we picked any," Misty says.

Pokemon Journeys Season 2: Mew's Adventue in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now