Episode 18: A Shipful of Shivers

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Mew and her friends are in search of their next Orange Island adventure as they sail across the ocean blue on Lapras. Everyone is relaxing as Mew looks at her badges.

"A Coral Eye badge and a Sea Ruby badge. They look so pretty," Mew says.

"I think it's really cool how all the gym badges around here are made out of seashells," Misty says.

"Yeah, it's kinda like a trademark of the gyms in the Orange Island League," Tracey says.

"Yeah. And I'm halfway to getting the badges I need," Mew says.

"Yeah. You need four badges to get into the Orange Island League Competition," Tracey says.

"Yeah. You'll be able to earn them easily," Tomo says.

"I don't know, Tomo," Tracey replies.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the next gym leaders are tougher than the last ones," Misty says.

"I have to agree. Cissy and Danny's challenges were different so I wouldn't be surprised if the challenge will be different as well, and the next leader would be more difficult to beat," Mew says.

Then smiles, "Which means, I need to be even tougher."

Soon, Mew notices another island and asks, "What island's that?"

Tracey answers, "Oh, that's Moro Island."

"Let's head there before it gets dark and find a Pokémon Center where we can stay tonight," Mew says.

Later in the night, Mew and her friends are now at the Moro Island Pokemon Center, and are talking with Professor Oak.

"How are you, Professor?" Mew asks.

"Mew! I'm fine. And I see you're all looking well," Professor Oak says.

"Yeah, we're doing great," Mew says.

"Excellent," Professor Oak replies. Then asks, "Where are you all calling from?"

"We're on Moro Island," Misty answers.

"Ah. Well, you've timed your arrival perfectly, then!" Professor Oak says, making the others confused.

"We did?" Tomo asks.

"You mean you haven't seen the news?" Professor Oak asks, and holds a newspaper.

Everyone looks at it to read the paper.

Tracey reads it, "Treasure found. Divers have recovered what they claim is an Orange League championship trophy dating back 300 years from a sunken ship off the coast of Moro Island!'

"The Orange League?" Mew says, surprised.

Tomo is just as surprised, "300 years ago?"

"And they even have the winner's trophy to prove it!" Misty says.

"Of course, there are lots of studies to be done, but they're certain it's the real thing," Professor Oak says.

"Wow!" Mew says, amazed.

"You can see it if you like. They have the trophy on display at the Moro Island Museum of Art," Professor Oak adds.

Misty cheers, "Alright! Cool!"

"I'd love to get a look at a 300 year old Pokémon League trophy!" Mew says.

"Me too!" Tomo says.

Then Tracey happily says, ""Let's go see it first thing tomorrow morning!

"Yeah!" Mew says with excitement.

"Okay!" Misty says.

Even the Pokemon are excited to see it.

Pokemon Journeys Season 2: Mew's Adventue in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now