Episode 43: The Underground Round Up

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After saying goodbye to Lapras, Mew and her friends are at Hamlin Island. The group knows a bridge that will get to the ferry line that will take them to Pallet Town.

"I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to get back home," Mew happily says.

"Pikachu/Eevee," (Me neither.) Pikachu and Eevee reply.

"I can't wait to get over to Pallet Town either, Ash, to meet Professor Oak!" Tracey says.

Then Misty says, "And I bet Professor Oak can't wait until we finally bring him that GS Ball."

Soon, the group arrives at the bridge and ready to cross, but soon find their way to the island is blocked. The bridge is closed.

"The bridge is closed?" Tomo says, confused.

"How come?" Jen wonders.

Mew reads the signs, 'Due to extremely dangerous conditions, people are forbidden to cross this bridge'?"

"I wonder what's so dangerous," Tracey wonders.

Everyone looks at the town across the way.

"If we don't get to that little island, we'll never get to the Pallet Town ferry," Misty says.

"It looks safe to me," Jen says.

"Maybe we should just take a chance and cross it anyway," Tracey says.

Suddenly, an explosion is heard and seen on the far side of the bridge, leaving Mew and her friends in shock as the smoke clears to reveal part of the bridge has been destroyed.

"Maybe not!" The group says in shock.

Luckily, Mew has another idea, Mew has called out Gyarados to give them a ride across the water and to the island.

Looking through the binoculars, Tracey says, "That's weird. From what I can see, there are no people over there."

Soon, the group arrives at the island, and Mew calls Gyarados back to its Pokeball. When they arrive in town, they find that the town on the island is a ghost town.

"That's funny. The place looks deserted," Mew says.

"It's like a ghost town," Misty says.

Tracey calls out, "Hello out there! Hello?!"

"Hello!" Tomo calls out.

Then Jen calls out, "Hello."

No echo, and no response.

"I don't get it," Tracey says.

"Where is everybody?" Tomo wonders.

"There's gotta be somebody somewhere," Mew says.

Little do they know that in the alley they pass by, they are being watched by a mysterious figure with glowing red eyes. Togepi and Pichu senses it. The group looks through windows to see no one is inside any buildings either.

Mew opens the door to the building and calls out, "Anybody here? Hello?! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

"Anyone home!" Tomo calls out.

Togepi and Pichu jump out of Misty's arms and sit at the table as everyone searches.

Suddenly, Tracey calls out, "Guys, look!"

Everyone looks outside to see the ferry boat.

Mew tries to open the door, but no luck

"No luck. It's locked," Mew says.

"If we can't get to that ferry, how will we get to Pallet Town?" Tomo asks.

"I'm not sure," Mew answers.

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