Episode 36: Pokemon Double Trouble

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Mew and her friends have reached Kumquat Island, a well-known luxury resort, and also the home of the next member of the Orange Crew, whom Mew must defeat to qualify for the Orange League competition. The crew continues to sail on Lapras until they reach the island.

Mew smiles and says, "One more badge to win, guys!"

"Pika Pika!" (We're almost there!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee." (Just one more badge to go.) Eevee says.

Tomo and Jen along with their Pokemon are busy looking at the sights.

"Wow. There are so many buildings here," Tomo says.

"And a lot of people," Jen says.

Then Tracey says, "Kumquat Island is supposed to have great hotels, a beautiful beach, and natural hot springs."

"Yeah. So not only Mew gets to battle with the gym leader, but we get to have some fun," Misty says.

"Yeah!" Jen says with excitement.

"And the place looks really nice," Tomo says.

Mew giggles, "I know, this place is so beautiful, but we're also here for my gym battle."

"We know, but we can also have some fun while we're here," Misty says.

"That's true," Mew says.

Then look ahead, "I can't wait for my next gym battle, and I plan on winning my fourth and final badge."

Sometime later, Mew and the others arrive at the island and are at the docks. There are so many people getting off the cruise ships and ferries. There are also a lot of barkers for the hotels on the island, trying to attract customers.

One of them is a woman with blue eyes, red hair, and fair skin. She is wearing a blue dress with a yellow jacket with green lining, and some jewelry as well.

The woman shouts in a loud voice, "Skip the rest, try the best, The Kumquat Hotel, for the sweetest deal in town! Come check it out and you'll check right in! Hurry! Hurry!"

"Let's go! We better hurry, guys, or else there won't be any more rooms left!" Misty says.

"You're right. We'll need a place to stay until we can find the gym and it's good to get some rest," Mew says.

Tomo looks around, "But how are we going to find the gym in this?"

"I don't know, but we will eventually," Mew says.

Then Jen feels Amaura nudging her arm.

Jen turns to Amaura, "What is it, Amuara?"

"Amaura Amaura?" (I'm getting hungry, can we eat?) Amaura says, then her stomach growls.

"You're hungry huh," Jen replies.

Amaura nods her head.

"Yeah. Me too," Jen says.

Then she turns to the others and says, "Hey guys, Amaura and I are getting hungry."

"Yeah. Me and my Pokemon are hungry too," Tomo says.

Togpei and Pichu express their hunger.

"You both are hungry too, huh," Misty says.

"I guess we can all use something to eat after traveling," Mew says.

Then Pikachu hops on Tomo's head to look around. Tomo giggles in reply.

Then Tracey says, "Come on, guys, let's go down to the beach and get a hot dog and maybe go for a swim."

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