Episode 25: Get Along, Little Pokemon

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Mew and her friend find themselves trekking across a rugged desert landscape on Mandarin Island so Mew can get to the next Orange League Gym in Trovita. However, with the desert landscape and the hot sun, the group is getting pretty tired.

"Tracey, how much longer is it gonna take us to get to Trovita?" Misty asks, feeling tied.

"I dunno. I'd say, maybe, three days," Tracey answers.

"Three days?" Misty exclaims.

"Oh, man! That feels like forever!" Mew whines.

Then Tomo says, "I'm not gonna make it!

Then Mew asks, "Trace, isn't there any place close where we could stop and rest?"

"Yeah, Tracey, there must be some place," Misty adds.

Tracey looks at the map and says, "Well, there is a town nearby. We could be there tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow?" Mew and Tomo say, shocked.

Then Misty complains, "Why isn't there anything closer?!"

"I didn't make the map, Misty," Tracey replies.

Misty falls on her back, "I can't walk for another whole day!"

Mew sits down along with the Pokemon, "I don't think I can either."

"I guess we're tired because we haven't been doing much walking lately," Misty says.

"Yeah, we didn't get much exercise riding every place on Lapras' back," Mew agrees.

"I have to agree. We've been riding on Lapras on the ocean to travel from Island to Island," Tomo adds.

Tracey turns to the others, "Well, I don't think Lapras will be able to help us out in this place."

As Tracey explains, dark clouds gather behind them. Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, Tomo, Meloetta, and Skwovet quickly notice.

Mew calls out, "Hey, look."

"Look at what?" Tracey asks.

"Those clouds!" Tracey calls out.

Thunder begins to boom into the sky. Everyone looks to see the dark clouds, indicating a storm is coming their way. Soon, everyone starts running to get away from the storm.

"I think I'd rather be hot and tired than wet and tired!" Tomo says.

"I just can't believe how fast this storm came up!" Mew says.

Then Tracey calls out, "We better look for cover!"

Soon, Misty collapses from exhaustion.

Tracey and Mew turn and call out, "Come on!"

The thunder continues to boom.

Mew looks up, "This is bad! The lightning's getting closer!"

Tracey soon finds shelter, "Let's head for that big rock over there!"

Everyone heads towards the rock. They arrive in the nick of time, and stay under as they sit to rest.

"The storm's close! Stay low!" Tracey says.

And everyone ducks down. Just then, a lightning bolt comes down towards them. The group brace themselves for the lighting, but they suddenly hear something. Suddenly, Pikachu hears something and looks up to see lightning collected in one place and notices something in the center.

Pikachu asks, "Pika?" (What the..?)

Mew and the others look up to see the multiple round beings in the sky.

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