Episode 26: The Mystery Menace

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On a sunny day, Mew and her friends are walking along the road to get to Trovita for the Oregon Gym Battle.

Tomo sighs, "Phew, we've been walking for a while."

"I know, but I'm sure we'll reach our destination soon," Mew says.

Suddenly, Tracey calls out, "Hey!"

"What , Tracey?" Misty

Tracey turns to the others and calls out, "Come over here and take a look!"

Mew, Misty, Tomo, and the Pokemon hurry over to catch up with Tracey. They look over to see a large city. This is their destination, the city of Trovitaopolis.

Unknown to Mew and her friends, Team Rocket peeks out to see the city of Trovitaopolis, mainly on Mew and her friends.

Jessie chuckles and says, "Just look at them, admiring the view."

"They have no idea they're heading right for our high-tech hole," James says and chuckles.

"We've finally come up with a plan for the perfect pit!" Meowth says.

Then explains the plan, "First we dug the hole and planted the dynamite right underneath where Pikachu and Eevee are. All we do is push the plunger, the ground collapses, and we get Pikachu and Eevee trapped! I think I can say without fear of contradiction that we are completely and totally prepared."

"Prepared?" Jessie replies.

Then James replies, "Prepared?"

And with that, Jessie laughs and begins the motto.


Prepare for trouble!


Oh! I say, make it double!

Then Meowth pushes them into the ground.

"What's the idea?!" Jessie asks.

"Why'd you stop us?!" James adds.

"What do you wanna give those little brats fair warning for? Let's make this a sneak attack!" Meowth says.

"Well, you didn't have to be so rough!" James says.

He then picks up the detonator, "Here goes nothing!" and starts the dynamite.

Jessie and Meowth cover their ears for the blast, but nothing happens.

Meowth becomes confused, "Nothing is right! Where's the explosion?"

Just then, the ground suddenly gives way under them, and ends up falling down into the hole miles down. It concludes that they've been standing in their own trap and falling into it. They all scream as they fall deep underground.

Meanwhile, Misty and Mew stop to hear the screaming.

"What is it, Misty? Mew?" Tomo asks.

"I thought I just heard somebody screaming," Misty says.

"Really?" Tomo asks.

"Why would anybody be screaming?" Tracey questions.

"I'm not sure, but.... It almost sounds like Team Rocket," Mew says.

Suddenly, the ground starts cracking underneath their feed.

Mew quickly notices, "Look out!"

The ground then gives way and the group falls deep into the hole.

After falling into the hole, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others try to wake up their human trainers.

Mew is the first to wake up, "Hi, Pikachu. You too, Eevee."

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