Episode 15: The Joy of Pokemon

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Sailing on the ocean blue by Lapras, Mew and her friends continue their journey across the Orange Islands. Tomo, and the Pokemon relax on Lapras as Mew polishes the GS ball, Tracey is looking around the ocean with his binoculars, and Misty is playing with Togepi and Pichu.

Misty waves her hands and says, "Wave hi."

That makes Togepi and Pichu smile.

Just then, Mew notices something, "Hey, what's that?"

Everyone turns to where Mew is facing to see something heading towards them

"What's what?" Tracey wonders.

"It looks like a motorboat," Misty says.

Coming towards them at top speed, is Nurse Joy, padding a kayak towards their direction and speeds past them with Chansey behind holding a megaphone like a rowing instructor. Soon, the two speed right past Mew and the others.

"I don't know WHAT that was, but it wasn't a motorboat," Misty says.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

Mew turns to Tracey, "Hey Tracey, you saw that too, right?"

"I sure did! Someone was rowing that boat! And it looked like Nurse Joy!" Tracey says.

Mew and the others are baffled.

"I don't think a Nurse Joy would be strong enough to row THAT fast," Misty says.

"You sure it wasn't someone who looked like a Nurse Joy?" Tomo asks.

"Tomo, I'm a Pokémon Watcher! I know what I saw and I saw a Nurse Joy!" Tracey insists.

Then Mew says, "Tracey's right Tomo. That was Nurse Joy we say, but she sure is in a hurry to get wherever she was going."

Then Mew turns to Lapras, "Alright Lapras, let's follow that boat and catch it!

Lapras agrees and speeds after the boat.

Soon enough, Mew and her friends make landfall on an island. Soon enough, they find Nurse Joy's kayak and some footprints.

Tracey examinanes the footprints and says, "Just as I suspected, two sets of footprints. One set belongs to a Chansey, the other set belongs to a woman. She's wearing a sneaker, and I'd say she's about a size seven or so."

He then gets up and follows the footprints, "They left the boat here and headed in this direction."

"Hey! Tracey! We better stick together," Mew calls out.

Then gets Lapras' Pokeball, "Lapras needs to take a rest anyway. Lapras, return!"

Then Lapras is called back to his Pokeball.

Then the others run to catch up with Tracey.

Mew calls out, "Hey! Tracey, wait up!"

Soon, Tracey comes to a stop, "Uh oh." to see no more footprints to follow.

Mew and the others soon catch up with him.

"Didn't you find them, Tracey?" Mew asks.

"I followed the footprints out to here, but, then they just stopped," Tracey says, looking around.

"I guess it's easier to follow somebody's footprints in sand then on stone," Misty comments.

"Unless they step in a paint bucket," Tomo says.

"Pika," (I guess.) Pikachu says.

And Eevee chuckles in reply.

Then Misty says, "I'm still not sure I believe the person in that boat was really Nurse Joy."

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