Episode 23: The Mandarin Island Miss Match

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One bright sunny day, Mew is having a Pokemon battle on a beautiful island called Mandarin Island. Battling alongside her is Bulbasaur. Misty and the others watch Mew perform great with her battle.

Mew calls out, "Okay! Razor Leaf, now!"

"Bulbasaur!" (You got it!) Bulsasaur calls out.

And Bulbasaur then launches the attack at the opponent, who is a Butter, and is instantly knocked out.

"Alright Bulbasaur, we won!" Mew happily says.

Bulbasaur says, "Bulbasaur!" (Alright!)

The trainer then calls back his Pokemon and runs off in defeat.

She kneels down to bulbasaur and pats him on the bud, "Great job, Bulbasaur."

"Bulba," (Thanks, Mew.) Bulbasaur.

The others are amazed and surprised to see Mew battling.

"I can't believe how many battles Mew has had since we got here," Tracey says.

"I can't believe she won them all," Misty says, amazed.

"I sure can, especially after winning seven battles since we got to the island," Tomo replies.

"Well, I may have won a lot of battles, but I'm going to need more training to compete in the Orange League," Mew says.

"You're right. I know you have a good chance, but who knows what will be happening at the Orange League," Misty says.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Tracey asks.

"Well, I think it's a good idea for my Pokemon to rest since we've been battling since we got here," Mew says.

Then Tomo asks, "Maybe we can grab something to eat."

"Good idea. I was starting to get hungry," Mew replies.

Agreeing to the idea, Mew, Misty, Tomo, and the Pokemon are having lunch.

"Here, Togepi," Misty says, and gives Togepi a piece of the sandwich.

Tomo turns to Mew and says, "Hey Mew, I wonder why there's so many trainers who want to battle."

"I'm not sure. Maybe there's an event or something," Mew says.

"Probably. There might be a contest or a battling event," Misty says.

"Sounds cool," Tomo says.

Just then, Tracey walks to the table and calls out, "Hey, guys! I've solved the mystery."

"What mystery?" Misty asks.

"The mystery of why everybody we meet here wants to battle. The answer's right in this flyer," Tracey says, and presents the flyer to them.

"What's it say?" Mew asks.

Tracey then reads the flyer, "'Attention trainers, Pokémon lecture and battle demonstration by the one and only, Lorelei!'"

"Really? Lorelei's here?" Mew asks, surprised.

Misty eyes wide open and says in amazement, "Lorelei is really here?

Tracey sits down next to her, "I hear she has a house on the island and trains here in the off season. Once a week she shows off her different battling techniques."

"Hey, I'd sure like to see that," Tomo amazed.

"Yeah. It will also be great to see her again," Mew says.

Misty is still excited, "I can't believe we're going to see Lorelei again!"

"Sounds like you're a really big Lorelei fan, Misty. And you also sound like you're an admirer," Tracey replies.

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