Episode 45: The Rivalry Revival!

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Last time, Mew and her friends return to Pallet Town and are shocked to find Brock is there. And it's still a mystery why he isn't with Professor Ivy. Then, Mew and her friends deliver the GS ball to Professor Oak, only for Team Rocket to have given them a shocking surprise, and rendered helpless. But then Gary with his Nidoqueem and Mew's papa, Zeraora arrive in time to save the day. And lastly, Mew's new egg has hatched into a baby Lugia. Turns out the day has been full of surprises.

The next day, Mew and the others have already finished breakfast and are now outside in the corral with their Pokemon. Mew is sitting next to the lake where little Lugia and many of her Water Pokemon are playing. She places the Shell Flute Melody and Carol have given to her, and the Pokemon really love the music. Zeraora, Gardevoir, and the two Ralts are with them. Misty and the others sit and relax as they hear Mew play.

"Mew is really doing well with the flute," Misty says.

"Yeah. She's been practicing all the time, and is really good at it," Tracey says.

Mew continues to play the shell flute. Baby Lugia swims towards Mew on the lake and is really happy to hear Mew playing the flute. Gardevoir gently rubs Mew's head with a smile. Mew shows expression of glee too

"It's really amazing that Mew has a pokemon for a father," Tracey says.

"Yeah. And Gardevoir is almost like a mother," Brock says.

"Yeah. almost like a family," Misty says.

Just then, Gary walks over, "Hey Mew, how are you and the Pokemon doing?"

"Doing good. I'm just relaxing with my Pokemon," Mew says.

Gary sits next to Mew, "That's good."

"So how did things went at the Orange Island?" Mew asks.

"Doing great. I've been training since the Pokemon League and my Pokemon have gotten stronger," Gary says.

"That's great to hear," Mew says.

Then Mew has an idea, "Hey Gary, maybe you and I can have a Pokemon Battle."

"Sure. Let's make this a one on one battle," Gary says.

"Fine by me," Mew says.

Then turns to the others and calls out, "Hey guys, Gary and I are going to have a Pokemon battle. Wanna watch?"

"Sure," Misty says.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

"Okay," Jen says.

Agreeing to the idea, Gary and Mew are standing on opposite sides and ready to battle.

Gary throws his Pokeball and calls out, "I choose you!"

And out of Gary's Pokeball is an Eevee.

And Eevee, huh," Mew says.

Then Mew turns to Eevee, "Alright Eevee, I choose you."

Then Mew's Eevee joins in on the battle.

"Cool, it's going to be an Eevee battle," Tomo says.

Misty happily says, "Eevee's so cute!"

"Looks can be deceiving," Brock says.

Misty and Jen become confused.

Brock explains, "You see that shiny coat and those bright eyes? Gary's raised it very well."

"Yeah, Brock's right. I bet it's ready to evolve into a Flareon, a Jolteon or a Vaporeon," Tracey says.

"Or even Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, or even Sylvyon," Jen adds.

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