Episode 31: The Birds of Bad Feathers

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Time has passed since the adventure at Shamouti Island, and the group of friends are now sailing in the ocean of the Orange Islands. Tomo and Ten are relaxing with some of the Pokemon while Tracey is looking around with his binoculars. Misty is polishing her egg while Mew is practicing with the shell flute Melody has given to her, and playing Lugia's song to her egg. In fact, everyone feels relaxed by the music.

Tracey looks around and notices something ahead, "Hey guys, look over there."

Mew and the others, including the Pokemon stop what they're doing and look to where Tracey is looking through the binoculars. What they see is a large island that has mountains and trees, and clouds around the top of the mountain.

"It's an island," Misty says.

Then Tracey says, "That's Ava Island."

"Ava Island?" Jen asks.

"Ava Island is an Island that is well known to be inhabited by Bird-like Pokemon, and is known for using strong Flying Type attacks," Tracey says.

"Do you think we'll get to see some?" Mew asks.

"Maybe," Tracey says.

"I really like to get some rest," Misty says.

"Me too," Jen replies.

"Good idea," Mew says.

Then turns to Lapras, "Alright Lapras, let's head to Ava Island."

Lapras squeals with a smile and begins to swim to Ava Island.

Somewhere on Ava Island, there is a cave somewhere on the highest part of the mountain. Inside the darkness of the cave, there are seven pairs of eyes. They watch as they see Mew and her friends on Lapras swimming towards the Island.

Sometime later, Mew and the others arrive on the beach of the island.

Mew calls back Lapras, "You get a good rest, Lapras." and Lapras returns to his Pokeball.

Suddenly, Mew hears laughter and turns to see Tomo, Jen, Meloetta, Skwovet, and Amaura playing close to the water. Mew giggles with a smile on her face.

Misty looks around and says, "The Island is so amazing."

"I agree. It feels so peaceful," Mew says.

Then Tracey says, "Yeah. I can't wait to explore and sketch some Flying Type Pokemon."

"Smeargle," (I agree.) Smeargle says, and holds out his tail.

"Looks like Smeargle agrees," Mew says.

The three humans begin laughing.

Then Misty turns to Togpei and Pichu, along with the others, "Maybe you all can play with Tomo and the others while the rest of us get things ready for lunch."

Togepi, Pichu, and the other Pokemon nod their heads in reply. And so, the Pokemon play with Tomo and the others while Misty, Mew, and Tracey prepare lunch for everyone. However, unknown to the group, they're being spied on by six flying figures and are led by one who is at the front of the group.

Just then, the leader then shouts, "Chatot Chatot Chatot!" (Alright gang, let's dive down and catch them by surprise when their guard is down)

Soon, other chatters happen and sneak at an unknown location to take Mew and her friends by surprise.

Back on the beach, Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon are still playing as Mew is cooking soup as Misty and Tracey set up the table, plates, utensils, and the bowls for the Pokemon food.

"I hope we have enough food for the Pokemon. I sometimes forget how many Pokemon we have caught so far," Misty says.

"I'm sure we have more than enough, and there seems to be some fruits and berries in the woods if we need to get some more," Tracey says.

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