chapter twenty five

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"...Airlifted to the nearest safe zone hospital."

There is so much noise.

"Broken ribs, bruised spine..."

Nothing makes sense.

"She's in a coma. There's no telling when she'll wake."

Am I dead?

Three hours later I'm waking up in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar smells and sights.

The roof was nice and clean, well fitted and painted so pristine you'd think it was vinyl.

It made me wonder when they repaired the tiles in the infirmary, last time I checked they were covered in mould and peeling.

I blinked.


Blinking hurts.

Breathing hurts.

Everything hurts.

My body was frozen still. I could feel everything, but I couldn't move. Like I was restricted.

I looked to my left, a big spacious room with a sofa and a tray full of medicine.

What the hell?

Where am I?

Then to my right, a large square window with a view of the city.

I couldn't believe it.

My heart rate must have gone up, because before I can blink a million people are crashing into the room.

"She's awake!" Someone yelled.

"Take out her breathing tube!"

I recognise some of the voices, and the stretch of hope I was holding on too started to tingle in my stomach.

The tube in my throat was tugged out and I leaned forward to cough.

My throat was so rough and raw, it hurt to do anything that wasn't lying still.

"Aurelia- Aurelia, you're safe! Breathe baby, you're okay!"

Ariel's face came into view and I've never been happier to see that mop of brown hair.

I was crying with pain, anxiety and relief.

I made it back to my family. But I don't know where I am or what's going on.

+ + +

Ariel left shortly after and I was left with a random man who was writing on a chart.

"How am I looking doc." I choked out, cracking a small smile.

He smiled, "Good. Banged up and definitely in need of bed rest. But good. How are you feeling?" He asked me.

I shrugged, "Just... in pain. I'm really confused."

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