chapter seven

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This morning was the first time in a long time I haven't woken up screaming.

I slept through the night. I actually did it.

It was rough, but I did it.

I felt rejuvenated and awake. For once, I had energy.

I was too anxious to leave my room incase I ran into him again, so I stayed put.

I thought about Angel and Ariel, and what they're doing. I've only seen them once since being here and I was growing worried.

I hope they're okay.

I wanted Ollie to come and get me so I could leave this room. There's no windows and the room was beginning to freak me out.

My thoughts were interrupted though by a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said.

Ollie peaked his head around the corner, smiling at me.

"Morning, sleep well?" He asked. I nodded. I was already dressed and waiting.

"Are ya hungry? We've got plenty of food. Just wait til you see the best part of this place."

It was hard to believe we were hiding in The Citadel.

It was the old city building, where all the important people worked.

It had been transformed into something unrecognisable.

It was still a broken, disgusting, mouldy building, but you wouldn't know it was a government building from walking inside.

I got up from the bed I was laying on and followed Ollie into the hallway.

My stomach swirled with butterflies, I was so nervous right now.

My palms started to sweat.

We walked down three flights of stairs, and I was a hot, panting mess by the end of it. "Geez, how big is this place?" I muttered.

I admired the walls on the way down, though.

Pictures of people's families, drawings, writings... this wall was like a giant mural covered with things.

Kids, elderly, teens. Everybody had contributed something.

It was nice.


"Big. It's twelve-floors, and the cafeteria is on floor two."

Fucking hell. I will no be visiting those floors anytime soon!

"Hey um- I have to ask." I stopped walking. Ollie caught on that I was serious as he stopped as well.

"Why didn't you tell me about Jace?"

The stairwell was quiet, no sounds to be heard. Just heavy-breathing and sharp tension.

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