chapter thirty five

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Shoju had taken it upon himself to explain everything to do with what's been going on.

About the Wildflowers, explosions, influx of walkers... everything down to the T.

I was grateful, I didn't feel like asking questions.

It was a-LOT. So much information I didn't know that I have to remember. Not to mention the fact that we're taking shelter in a random shed in some old house.

I sat with my back against the wall, fanning myself with my hand.

"Where'd you grow up?" I asked. He looked over at me.

"A small town in Cambodia near the river. But I moved to America with my family when I was thirteen."


"I just wanna say sorry for trauma-dumping on your yesterday. It was kinda in the moment and I totally understand if you leave me in the middle of nowhere." I bursted out, catching my tongue before it got too bad.

Shoju blinked, looking at me with wide eyes before he started laughing.

"You're delusion, Aurelia." He teased.

The way he said my name caused my stomach to turn over.

He looked at me with intensity, "I believe you're a very broken person, Aurelia. But it doesn't mean I won't be honest."

I kind of smiled, the meaning of his words deepening by the second.

"Thank you." I said, my voice wavering on a question more than a statement. "You're welcome." His voice firm.

We kept the distance between us minimal, so the occasional elbow-brushing or hand touching wasn't unusual for me. However, his hand was on my back a lot. When he guided me through the streets, turned me in another direction... we hadn't quite reached his base.

His lips were moving but there was no sound coming out. I blinked, "Do you hear that?" I said.

Shoju stopped talking, turning his head.

It felt like we've been walking for hours. "Hear what?" Shoju asked. I looked down, "That- noise."

A twig snapped a couple metres from us, and Shoju's head turned faster than lightning. "Aurelia- it's me." Ollie appeared, hands in front of him. I calmed my nerves and looked at Shoju that it's okay.

"Ollie- what are you doing here?" I said, "Were you following me?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "You haven't walked far."

"Aurelia... who is this is man?"

"This is Oliver, my best friend." I introduced, "Ol, this is Shoju. My-"

"Friend." Shoju smiled, holding out his hand for Oliver to shake.

I smiled at the awkward situation, before snapping back into reality and facing Ollie, narrowing my eyes at him. "Does Jace know you're here? Why are you here? Are you okay?"

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