Chapter 33

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Will's POV

Parenting definitely isn't the easiest thing in the world, but I have learned how to deal with the kids.

The only thing that I have no idea how to deal with is the crying, since my kids don't really cry unless they're hurt.

But today I'm alone in the house, and I'm supposed to take care of all of the kids, who for some reason don't want to stop crying.

It went well for the first few hours, but about an hour ago, they started to cry, and they haven't stopped ever since.

So, I'm starting to get worried, and I consider if I should go to the Doctor, but I really doubt that something could be wrong with all four babies at once.

I have tried feeding them, and they did eat a bit, but then they started to cry again.

Just as I'm about to start to dress them, so we can go to the pack hospital, the front door open and Carter comes in.

I would have preferred anyone else to come here, since I'm a bit scared of Carter, but it's him, so I have to deal with it, at least he might be able to help me.

"Are you going out?" Carter asks, and I groan.

"I was about to go to the pack hospital, since the kids were crying for the past hour." I tell him, and he frowns.

He picks up one of the babies, and he tries to calm him down, it works a bit, but it seems that the kid starts to cry again, because his siblings are still crying, so I take two of the kids from the floor, and I try to calm them down too, while Carter takes the last one.

It takes a while, but the kids finally calm down, so I sigh in relieve, because I have no idea how long my ears would have been able to handle the noise.

"Thanks." I tell Carter, and I try to take the babies from him, but he motions with his head for me to go to the living room, so I do it, and he follows me.

I sit on one of the couches, and he sits right next to me, both of us having two babies on our laps.

"Reggie talked to me about giving you a job as an instructor at the pack training. Would you be interested in that?" He asks me, and my eyes widen, since I haven't even considered that.

"I mean, I guess that I could do it, but I don't really know the things that you're teaching at the training here." I tell him, and he thinks for a while.

"Then I would like you to train the instructors, and then they can teach everyone else, along with the things that were teaching them already." He says, so I nod reluctantly.

"Fine." I say, and he smiles.

"And I wanted to ask something." He tells me, so I arch my eyebrow, urging him to continue.

"I want to know how to smell the blocked scents, a few years ago Reggie had mentioned that you taught him that." He tells me, and I laugh slightly, before I tell him what he should do.

But I'm sure that he won't be able to do it for a long while, since it took me years to be able to do it correctly.

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