Chapter 37

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Will's POV

I can hear that Reginald is shouting at someone, even before I can open the front door.

But when I do it, the yelling gets a lot louder, so I have to resist the urge to cover my ears.

I quickly go towards the living room, where my angry mate is, and I hand the two kids that I'm holding to Casey, before I take the other two from the floor, when I see that they're sitting in front of the doorway to the living room.

I'm surprised that they're not crying, but I can see that if they will stayed here for a bit longer, than they would start to cry.

So, Casey follows me to the kids' room, and we leave them in their cribs, before we go back downstairs.

It took us about fifteen minutes to reach the house, so Casey looks a lot better now, and if not the blood on his shirt, it would be hard to tell that he was beaten, although a few bruises are still on his arms, along with the one that is on his jaw, but it's almost unnoticeable now.

When we enter the living room, I can see that Carter is restricting Reginald, while Timmy tries to convince Mason to calm down.

But it doesn't work, and Mason stands up from the couch, before he runs at Reginald, and he punches him in the face, before Carter can stop him, since his arms are holding Reginald wrists tightly.

When Carter realises what just happened, he lets go of Reginald, and he goes after Mason who tries to run out of the living room, but Casey is still at the doorway, and he manages to stop him.

Mason tries to punch him, but Carter grabs his hand, while I quickly go towards my mate to check if he alright.

He seems to be fine, so I look back towards Mason, who's now screaming at Carter.

It makes Carter wince, since Mason's close to his ears, but that doesn't stop him from picking his mate up.

And I look as he carries Mason out of the living room, and up the stairs.

"I left the kids in their room, we should most likely bring them here." I tell Reginald, and he nods.

"Mason's angry, but he would never hurt a kid." Timmy tells us, trying to defend his mate.

"He just punched his family member, so I wouldn't be this sure of that." I say, then I take Reginald and Casey up the stairs, and we decide to just stay here with the kids, since they had fallen asleep again.

We can't hear what Carter and Mason are saying, since their room is sound proof, but I can hear that a while later Timmy walks into the room to join their conversation.

A few minutes later  Carter comes inside, and he apologises to us about his mate's behaviour, before he checks on Reginald's face, to make sure that he will be alright.

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